I want to fly!

11 Sep 2003
Hello Gaming addicts,

I wondered if any of you can recommend a good game that involves flying around a lot and perhaps blowing things up?

I don't mind if its modern day or futuristic but I would also like to buy a joystick/controller sort of thing to slap on the desk!

Last good game I played was X-wing about 10 years ago, I enjoyed being in the star wars universe lol! :o
Big.Wayne said:
Hello Gaming addicts,

I wondered if any of you can recommend a good game that involves flying around a lot and perhaps blowing things up?

I don't mind if its modern day or futuristic but I would also like to buy a joystick/controller sort of thing to slap on the desk!

Last good game I played was X-wing about 10 years ago, I enjoyed being in the star wars universe lol! :o
Lock On is apparently very good but complicated.......
Chris [BEANS] said:
Lock On is apparently very good but complicated.......
silversurfer said:
The most obvious answer would be bf2 or 2142
Thanks for replies, not heard much about lock-on but BF2 is on my list of games to play, does that involve a lot of flying then?

Re the flying bit I want it to be realistic but too complicated lol! ;)
you've got to get battlefield if you havnt played it

i was addicted to 2142 from november last year having only just cut down to a couple of hours a week from several hours per day
Planetside! Pretty simplistic flying model, but massive fun nonetheless - two types of fighter, two types of bomber, a ground assault craft, a troop transport and a vehicle transporter. Flying a bomber with two mates is ace :)
Theres a few good bf2 pure flying servers. I usally go on Antik 4 (air) I has unlimted planes which is good. :D
stinka said:
you've got to get battlefield [2?] if you havnt played it

i was addicted to 2142 from november last year having only just cut down to a couple of hours a week from several hours per day
Is that BattleField 2 yeah? I heard its good but didn't hear much about the flying bit?

You guys got joysticks and stuff then?
Lock On: Modern Air Combat is for your modern day fast jets and IL2 Sturmovik 1946 for your WW2 combat needs. Both excellent.

Lock On isn't particularly complicated. The flight model seems very forgiving, and easy to fly. Yes, you have to learn to operate the radar and use various targetting modes, but it's fairly simple to get your head around. All you have to do to take off is push a button to start the engines, close the canopy and start taxiing. That's simple in my book - in Falcon 4.0, you can spend 25 minutes powering up all the aircraft systems by the proper checklist.... I take it that's what you mean by too complicated!

IL2 is great. The 1946 DVD version combines the original game, and every expansion pack (there were 4 or 5 of them I think) on one DVD, and installs them into one big installation. Think of a WW2 combat aircraft, and you can probably fly it. Soviet aircraft are a speciality - as the sim was originally a single aircraft study of the IL2, a Soviet ground attack/heavy fighter. It's awesome, very realistic flight model - it'll take you dozens of attempts to be able to take off in something even remotely approaching a straight line, but it's very rewarding, ace fun, and has a big online community.
BF2 is awesome for flying combat if you can get the plane in the first place, since other people will want to fly it also, (unlocked sniper to the head usually works :D )
Lock On:- www.lockon.co.uk


If you want something a little bit different that'll keep you going for months try X3: Reunion with XTended Pack. XTended is free to download and X3 comes for about a tenner. It's got lush graphics. Only difference is it is set in space which might be more you as the last one you played was X Wing.
Big.Wayne said:
Hello Gaming addicts,

I wondered if any of you can recommend a good game that involves flying around a lot and perhaps blowing things up?

I don't mind if its modern day or futuristic but I would also like to buy a joystick/controller sort of thing to slap on the desk!

Last good game I played was X-wing about 10 years ago, I enjoyed being in the star wars universe lol! :o


Master flying and your score will fly with you! ;)

Alas, in BF2 I fly like a Hippo. :o
Lock On
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Wings Over Vietnam/Europe
Freespace 2
X3: Reunion with XTended Pack

Thanks guys, quite a list there!

I read about X3, it seems to be a space trading game but with amazing visuals, may have to check that out.

Which of these games 'demand' a joystick/rudder thing?
Battlefield 2 is all you need, buy it and dont even think about 2142, not half as good as BF2.

Trust me, buy it :p
tbh, bf2 and bf2142 are mainly first person shooters rather than plane combat sims, but none the less they are still good games and as said, if you can get in the jet before someone else it is very good! Also Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 3 obviously it is a sim devoted to combat, its WWII era, so you have your spitfires and others! All flying needs a joystick if you want to be good and have a better experience, i use a Saitek Cyborg Evo Pro - its quite cheap but has all the features you really need :)
FrostedNipple said:
tbh, bf2 and bf2142 are mainly first person shooters
Yeah that was my understanding too, however I am sure they are great FPS games (which I do play too) but I was just fancying getting myself a joystick and flying off into the sunset lol!

So which is the most popular 'pure' flight game then? like what do the hardcore flying-game freaks play? (or would that be one of the games that takes 20mins to even take off lol!).
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