I want...

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2002
Intel Xeon X7560: Nehalem EX Review

Am I missing something here... is it not completely pointless comparing the numbers when they tested with 4 of the new X7560s and only 2 of everything else [save for the X7460]?
It is impressive. But you could build a dozen basic i7 920 rigs for that money... that would give a lot more than 115kppd!
No no no. What REALLY impresses the ladies is the electricity bill.



If you had two dual opteron servers you'd probably get similar performance scores instead of this daft 4 intel vs 2 AMD cpu server comparison. But you wouldn't have to have your own substation in the garden to run your folding farm.
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The only reason they didn't do quad opterons is that there isn't a motherboard out yet that will take them :)
Sun have a X4640 server that takes 8 6-core Opterons. That's 48 cores! I priced one up with 384GB of RAM for a project and it was only $140K. Bargain really!
That looks like one hell of a lot of heat to dissipate as well. Does it come with free ear defenders?

Mind you, it turns out that each X7560 has about the same TDP as a GTX 480. So how many people here are going to need their own substation then? :p
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