I was a contestant on Dragons Den

[TW]Fox;15308608 said:
Please stop signing your name at the end of every post, it's hugely impersonal and irritating, we know your name as its beside every post you make AND in your sig.

Quite a lot of people sign their posts, no big deal?
I'm at work so can't get embedded video at the moment .. but if I am wearing a dodgy cream jacket and go by the name 'Dave' ... doh! Looks like you got me!!!

And yes, I indeed am a fat and rather ugly man. :)

Come on -- now you can see it -- insults about what a No swearing. FF. I made of myself -- go on -- hit me with it ... :)
I have already been on telly! You probably saw me! I was on the Christmas special the last year that Rachel the 'red letters day' bird was on it.

I'm probably on youtube somewhere! I was the full 15 minute deal not 'Britboy also turned up but we won't show him'!!

They said as I wandered away 'xxx has the dubious honour of being the fastest contestant ever out of the Dragons Den'.

Anyone remember me? :)

Now you say that, yes I remember them saying that. :D

Didn't expect it to be that scripted though.
At work with no headphones, so no sound ;[

Didn't have a clue it was staged! Shan't be watching that again then!

Props for having the balls to do it though!

Do they have much security there in case you take particular offense to a dragon comment?
Man you got slated badly. I can see their point though, a clip on screen would be better.

5* rating on the thread though for effort & entertainment :D
Fleet street. All the newspapers moved out of there so there's a load of empty large factories and the like -- they use one of them ..

If you're not from London the beeb will give you a hotel room for the night. Oh, and they give very tasty nibbles to chew on whilst waiting for your turn ...!

There are about 20 people behind the camera by the way -- so contrary to how it looks on the telly its actually quite a packed room ... behind the camera there's a whole host of people. And there's only 1 camera -- they re-film shots of the dragons asking questions (again) and looking bemused, after the main event has finished ...

TV eh?
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The product was called 'Personal Trainer'. I am on the BBC Dragons den 'miniweb' site somewhere. Wow, I've probably given you enough information to now find my real name. Doh! Is this how 'internet murders' start? ;)

Is this you?

Season 2, Episode 6?

Personal Trainer - Dave Raewlinson. PC software
"Dave Rawlinson had a great idea of linking an exercise bike to a computer so that various video screens can be shown as a person uses the bike. He failed to convince the Dragons to get on their bike though. "

Series 2 was shown in 2005... according to this site.
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