I was so close to £18 Million

30 Sep 2005
I have just got in from pub and I checked my Euro Millions ticket.

I nearly just died.

My numbers are 5 10 17 24 32 and 05 08
The numbers are 5 10 17 22 33 and 05 07

So I was 4 numbers away from the jackpot, Guess how much I have won £14 :mad:

I thought I had won it at first, my mind was going a minute a second, checking the first 3 numbers was insane.
You had 4 out of 7 numbers, you didn't nearly win! You were miles off :p

Each of my numbers on the lotto was one digit from the actual drawn number once, omg I nearly won!
Its my sisters wedding tomorrow so I will buy St3lla and Guinn3ss

Drinking a pint of Guiness and black now, thinking of what could have been.
Dont even think "what could have been", being 1 number away means nothing, your ball could have been flying in the air, kicked around by the machine as 33 dropped out or whatever. I had 5 numbers once, the other number was 1 off what i had, nothing i could do about it though. The natural reaction is "oh, if only... blah blah blah", but it's totally different to what actually is :p
Aye, I was just shocked as I normally get 1 or 2 numbers but the first 3 hit me hard and the next WTF 2? 3? eekk


KizZ said:
I think next time you should use these :D

where have I seen them before, because I just had a massive dose of de ja vu
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The mother would have won jackpot on normal Lottery a few years back but the idiot decided not to put it on that week :mad: and yes she does decide to called an idiot for this. Wonder what i'd be doing now if she had have put it on :confused:
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