People shouldn't be buying dual core CPU's for high performance gaming.
Sorry to be blunt but people telling you an i3 is a brilliant gaming CPU, for you with a GTX 970 they have no idea what they are talking about, often they are regurgitating clueless Youtubers rhetoric on how brilliant it is.
A lot of it on the net comes from fanbois who see AMD's similar priced 6 Core as a massive threat.
I just posted this in the Zen thread, its the reality not just what i'm doing, but what just about everyone is doing now.
Get the i5, the i3 is no good for you. its ok for people with a low end GPU.
Sorry to be blunt but people telling you an i3 is a brilliant gaming CPU, for you with a GTX 970 they have no idea what they are talking about, often they are regurgitating clueless Youtubers rhetoric on how brilliant it is.
A lot of it on the net comes from fanbois who see AMD's similar priced 6 Core as a massive threat.
I just posted this in the Zen thread, its the reality not just what i'm doing, but what just about everyone is doing now.
Get the i5, the i3 is no good for you. its ok for people with a low end GPU.
On more than 4 cores, there is a use for it, Modern game engines are so well optimised and do so many things even in DX11 that even relatively modern Intel 4 cores CPU's overclocked are struggling.
I haven't even got Voxel GI turned on in this, that uses ASynchronous CPU calc and knocks the i5 flat on its back, my FX-9590 actually did better in some area's.
Affordable high performance 6 core CPU's can't come soon enough.