
19 Sep 2006
MCR/North Sea
I know its rather early, and i31 has just kicked off today. But just to let people know that the signups are now open for i32.

I will be signing up tonight, bit disappointed that I was away for i31 but from what ive been told its full of kids & the CSS floor is boiling (it was at i30 too).

Anyone else gunna be attending i32? What game will you be playing?

Im going to play CSS but as of yet unsure who with, hopefully xS.X will be attending but I havent spoken to the lads yet.

I'd love to go, get me a bit of quake 4 going, and then show off with some old school quake 3 tricking.. that always seems to get a crowd around me :D

Sadly i don't have the time this year, and pretty much all of next year too.. looks like i605 for me :(
myself and rich1988 are looking to go to this one, always fun when the tent freezes

didn't really want to goto i31 due to weather, and never again in the cs source section :(
Oly71 said:
im so up for i32, gonna be mega :D

yeah same here, not too long really either. Oly for i32 I should come down to Derby a few days before hand tbh. Travel down together or summat I will have my new car for then ;) Getting it in Sept.
Aye I might go to i32, if not definitely i33.

Yer I've heard i31 has already gone mad, and is red hot. People trashing hotels, being sick everywhere etc...

Not many teams have the same line up since the last iseries either, shame...
Shimmy said:
Aye I might go to i32, if not definitely i33.

Yer I've heard i31 has already gone mad, and is red hot. People trashing hotels, being sick everywhere etc...

Not many teams have the same line up since the last iseries either, shame...

people p***ing off the balconies, i have to say i laughed when i heard that :D
R5Rich said:
viper ive seen you mention Q4 a few times, where do you play?

just randomly pick servers, eventually ended up sticking to a server as i got to know the players there, sometimes find me on jolt, don't really plaay for the skill anymore :( just for the fun :D

Not an FPS fan, just love the movement in quake, was mad into trickjumping in q3, and am still awaiting a trickjumping mod for q4..
do you use IRC at all? Should definately get on the PICKUP channels on there. Some awesome games of CTF get going!!!

On qnet join #spontanq4 my names Uni on there fella let me know if ya come on, very very fun!
The August event tends to be the kids event due to the school holidays, I took a break this time around due to funds, and the friends I go with also had a break, have the time off for the november event but need to decide if I am going or not.
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