I7 2600k Hydro H60 Loose Rear Plate

Just an update soz guys been a while my pc solid as a rock btw :D.

You would need to own a h60 to try but basically before you mount the cooler you screw in from the front those four sorta black screw pole things that the heat sync sits on...

So you put backplate on with the black washers then the next step you screw in from the front those black long screws that the heat sync sits on...

The black mount screws it sits on that stick up with me you could actually move them up and down. Then when you put the cooler on top since they can move so can the back plate and the heat sync hence my problem.

I'd love someone to confirm this as I feel like I'm going nuts but mine was not right. My idle was about 50 and load would climb to 77 and would take forever to cool because of the poor contact then I added my own washers to make the ones that come with it slightly thicker, bravo idle around 29 load rarely goes over 54.

I wish I'd of took pics but to be honest it was a last attempt before I rma'd it and it worked so screw taking it to bits again for you guys :P. Might of been just mine but the problem was definitely the plastic washers but it could be just asus went a bit cheap and made that mental plate it rests on slightly thinner than other boards.

p.s. Yeah that's how I fitted mine in the top pic and your right it don't mention it in the guide you get with it if you don't fit it that way them screws you see push on the back plate bending it slightly... cheers corsair :P
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