Thanks for the suggestion mate, but it isn't going to happen with this CPU I'm afraid...
I was up til 4am yesterday, and I spent the entire day trying loads of different settings in the BIOS, and nothing will give me 4GHz.. I have tested right up to 1.35v Vcore, loosened up my RAM timings, QPI/Vtt I have tested from stock right up to 1.4v, tried underclocking RAM by using 6x mem multi, and it isn't happening at all..
I have got it stable @ 3.8GHz, I need 1.275v in the BIOS for Vcore (1.264v in CPUZ) and I need 1.300v QPI/Vtt..
The thing that is really making me frustrated with this chip is the temps..
With my old processor at stock it would idle @ 36c, but this dog is @ 44c when it is at stock, my old chip would sit at 44c when it was clocked to 4GHz, but this chip is idling @ 51c on the hottest core, and it hits 88c under load when running LinX...
And the last processor was being cooled by an old Zalman 9700NT, I am using a TRUE on this new chip, and the temps are unacceptable... even with 2 fans on the heatsink.. infact there is absolutely no difference in temps when using 1 fan or 2 fans, so I have went back to using just 1...
I thought maybe I hadn't seated the TRUE properly, but I have reseated it about 3 times now and applied a little more TIM and it hasn't made a blind bit of difference...
I am going to dig out my 2nd TRUE and test it, just incase the one I am using has a dodgy base... you never know...
I find it strange how my old Zalman kept my last chip so cool yet my TRUE a HSF that a lot of people say is the best there is, is struggling to keep my chip cool!!!
Really really frustrating tbh.. I was always under the impression that ALL D0 stepping i920's could hit 4GHz without to much problems.. but I have been proven wrong with this nasty sample...
I am buying another 920 at the start of next month for my second build, but I am really worried that I get another crappy chip again... I don't want to throw away yet more money on something that won't run stable @ 4GHz...
It is really annoying, because my last chip would do 4GHz no problem, and it looks as though it wasn't even my chip that was causing the problems I was having before anyway... But there really isn't anything I can do about it now..
Hopefully I can get a decent sample when I buy my second processor though.. hell I would pay extra just to get one of these cherry chips that require extremely low voltages for 4GHz!!
I don't know why they don't sell 920's that are guaranteed to run at 4GHz like they used to do with the old Q6600's... maybe they will start something like this though.. I recon there would be plenty of folk out there that would be willing to pay extra for these chips...