i7 D0 cooling

3 Sep 2009
Where you least expect me
im gonna get a new i7 system and was thinking to spend £30-£40 on cooling the i7 please choose me a cooler
i hope to get it to 4ghz at least or is that too high?
ps am i spending too little on cooling should i rethink my budget:eek:
lol ill definetely take that into consideration do you think my fish would mind ?
thanks again for the advice everyone
UPDATE: in case any one cares ive decided to spend a little more on the corsair H50
liquid sounds better to me :)
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Posted by Blackwhite
What's the point to put only CPU under water, TR will do the same job and it will be cheaper.I'm quite sure it will be much quiet as well

Why not? a couple of the main reason,s l choice a H50 it do's not block off a ram slot, less weight(pressure on mobo) very easy to fit. The only thing l can hear is my DVD-RW spinning up when in use apart from that nothing else. My case is less than a foot away from me, one more thing the H50 perform's very well.
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