IBM eServer Series X 206 - useful anymore?

14 May 2009
I have a pair of old IBM eServer Series X 206 servers, identical specs, Pentium4 @ 3Ghz, 1 GB RAM and each with a pair of 150GB IDE hard drives. Do people still have a use for things this old stuff or should I just take them up the dump?
I'll check the form factor but they'll get the case to ;) Heavy things they are. Forgot about Members Market, probably try their first.

The problem with old servers is that they are power hungry and noisy. Any software that needs/can take advantage of multiple CPUs will run on newer and more efficient hardware, anything that only needs a single CPU will run just as well on a smaller, quieter desktop machine.

Outside of owning for the curiosity or collection, I don’t think there will be much demand. If the CPUs are top end stuff then they’ll be worth more on their own than the servers as a whole most likely.
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