Mock Meet 2/5/14
Deload week happened, didn't really do my usual training apart from Monday's sub max singles. I was going to be really pushed for time and my shoulder/pec hadn't been behaving, so I was going to see what I could get done.
200 not feeling like I'm hitting my grove properly up to this point, and here I hit a line that made my left adductor feel very vulnerable...
225 better, but did not feel fast
250 +10kg PB felt really good, not sure how
255 PB good again, would have been silly not to add more...
260 PB!
Well, that was awesome. I had no idea I had +20kg on my last PB, I was going to be very happy with 250kg and move on. Having done 3 reps with >95% with weights I've not lifted before is even better. The three top sets felt very heavy on my back, and although the walkouts were fine I felt more crushed then I can remember. This obviously makes sense, but it was still a shock to the system considering the heaviest weight I've squatted since Feb was 220kg.
All this extra PBing meant there wasn't really time for anything else. I warmed up a bit for bench but didn't want to rush it.
I had time for a really short session on Saturday so I thought I'd see if I could deadlift. The answer was a firm no from my QL and erectors. Not really too bothered, although now my squat is only 2.5kg off my deadlift :/