Threeaadd buuummmmppp
Yes, I'm FINALLY getting round to going through more photos and finishing this off.
First of all, I've been ridiculously, RIDICULOUSLY. I've started a new job, I've been traveling a fair bit, plus I've got a lot of personal bits going on so it hasn't left much time for going through these unfortunately, however here we are.
Anyway, without further ado, I think in this post pictures will be doing more talking than me due to the fact my memory is fading a little but it'll hopefully come back to me when I'm going through them
Day 5!
Civilisation! dun dun DUUUNNN
After our lap around Iceland we had booked a whale watching, something only a 15 minute drive away in Reykjavik which was a nice relief
So have some Reykjavik street photography!
That one ^ actually got me in trouble, it was the wall to a drinks store and I got yelled out for taking it.
Ok, so my street work isn't great, I must admit I mainly enjoyed aimlessly wondering around the small city and not being on the road, went in the cheesy gift shops, you know how it is.
We didn't have much time before heading out for the whale watching anyway so we headed to the docks.
Cheeky one of Mark and I
Imagine coming home to this everyday...
Now, unfortunately my longest lens is the 135L, but I did what I could with it, we saw Minky Whales...
I won't post many of them as all the photos look mostly the same.
However, what we did see which was really special and also (according to what we were told) very rare, humpback whales but they were breaching!
I managed a series of useable shots from one particular breach, have a look!
So that concludes day 5, we decided to have a 'night off' after 4 full on days and nights out.
Day 6 will come tomorrow