Icy Box Caddy (128 Series) Question

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
I've got 2 of these caddies and I have installed one into my pc but I can't get the drive to work. The sata drive works ok in the external case but as soon as I lock it in the caddy nothing happens. The LED power light comes on and I can hear the drive but it doesn't show up in explorer or in disk management. I've tried both of the caddies but still nothing. I have tested the drive in the external enclosure and installed it in the pc and it works. Has anyone had any problems like with with caddies?
hmm have you tried setting the drive up in sata 1 using a jumper?
thats if the sata drive your using is sata2

the caddy is only:

Interfaces: Serial ATA1.0 150MB/s
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Tosk said:
hmm have you tried setting the drive up in sata 1 using a jumper?
thats if the sata drive your using is sata2

the caddy is only:

Interfaces: Serial ATA1.0 150MB/s

I tried that and it still doesn't work. What are the chances of both caddies being faulty?
dunno zom247 they might just not be compatible with your hdds?

you could always email the company who make them and see what they say
thats the only way i can think of.

good luck
chaparral said:
Are they anything like the icy box 138 cabbies http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-006-BT where you need to turn the key to power them ???

The ones I have are the preceding model and they do have the key. I've done all that though and still nothing. When you lock the drive by turning the key the hdd power light comes on and I can hear the drive power up but nothing shows up in XP, either in explorer or in disk management. I've got it back in my icy box external sata case and it's all working fine. Strange!
I've just got a reply back from Icy Box about my caddy problem and they say it could be that my sata controller doesn't support hot swapping. My board is the Gigabyte DS4, does anyone know if this does support hot swapping?
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