Identify this arachnid

Why does he have a leg growing out of the top of his body?

I had a load of them in my greenhouse this year as well as this evil ******* that lives in my gas meter. Has glow in the dark eyes.

We have quite a few cellar spiders, they seem to be top dogs and eat the house spiders. I don't mind cellar spiders for some reason, probably because they aren't chunky spiders. I have a few in the log cabin gym, standing guard.
Why does he have a leg growing out of the top of his body?

I had a load of them in my greenhouse this year as well as this evil ******* that lives in my gas meter. Has glow in the dark eyes.

Is that an egg sac next to it? You should watch a renowned documentary called Arachnophobia made in 1990 for guidance on what will soon happen in your house. :p
It's definitely of the Killitbyfireornukeitfromorbitinnit family of arachnids.
Never mind worrying about what kind it is, before you know it, it will be eating you brain while you sleep. Nuke from orbit, it's only way to be sure... Either that or get the Mrs to catch it under a glass and chuck it outside.
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