Identifying a problem

6 Oct 2010
Hi guys.

Here's my original specs:

i7 920 @ stock
MIS 6950 twin forzr III
4GB DDR3 1600MHz
Asus P6T SE
1TB samsung hdd, 150GB WD raptor, 250GB WD drive

So I had been playing Battlefield 3 for a week and a half with absolutely no problems at all. A lot of people had been complaining of disconnects and crashes, of which I had experienced none.

I then spotted an awesome deal when overclockers had a deal on an 8GB RAM kit, so I bought it, installed it and started playing BF3 again. However now I started suffering a lot of crashes (black screen when loading up multiplayer, freezing as soon as I get to the spawn select screen in game, and some random crashes after some playing).

Big deal, I thought to myself, as I am aware it is a new game and dice are still tweaking away at it.

So I find myself with a bit of spare cash and feel the burning desire to spend money and I end up buying another 16GB of RAM (same stuff from OCUK), totalling out at 24GB (20 of which are redundant nearly 90% of the time I know...).

So I've had the RAM in for about a week now. The first few days I started noticing BF3 getting a few more graphical artifacts pretty much every time I played it. (combined with the odd AMD driver has stopped responding game crashes)

Not worried so much.

Then I start seeing graphical artifacts while using google chrome... and when moving windows around on my desktop. Now I start to worry.

This all just culminated in the first BSOD I've had on Windows 7.

Now here's my question, is this all the result of my folly in using 24GB of RAM, or have I received a dodgey 6950 which I've just pushed over the edge?

Note the 6950 was new around the start of September.

If this is in the wrong section can someone move it for me please.

Do a full uninstall of the graphics drivers, and then run driver sweeper.

Install the latest stable AMD drivers (or beta if you want, doesn't really matter).
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