IE7 vs Firefox

Al Vallario said:
Agreed. I think Cleartype makes text look awful, and as someone who likes to think he spends a lot of time in the web development field, Cleartype is not really a true representation of what most people will be viewing (it's exclusive to Windows, and lots of people don't use it).

Text smoothing on OS X, on the other hand... gorgeous. :eek:

Yeah, I've always thought it quite strange that cleartype looks so damn awful when font smoothing in osx is essentially the same thing and looks fine.
i think its awful tbh, cleartype tuner can be used to adjust the way it looks, but i still dont like it. Not had too much experience on macs though so can't comment on that.
Looks way nicer with Cleartype turned down a bit. Looks blurry as hell with default, but the second-least blurry one on the tuner looks fab imo.
Clarkey said:
i think its awful tbh, cleartype tuner can be used to adjust the way it looks, but i still dont like it. Not had too much experience on macs though so can't comment on that.

Macs look like this in FF:

Much nicer than Win IMO
I wonder what bold text looks like then :eek:
It's getting harder and harder to design cross-browser sites.

My current windows preference:

Looks confusing, sorry :)
joeyjojo said:
I agree with how you have it, without cleartype just looks bad, the aliasing just has connotations of seeing everything through ms paint.


i couldn't view it like that above. (no cleartype)

OSX font smoothing is lush! :D
I cannot understand how someone who likes OS X's font smoothing could possibly prefer non-ClearType to ClearType :confused: Granted ClearType isn't as good as OS X but jesus it's about 400,000 times better than standard.
robmiller said:
I cannot understand how someone who likes OS X's font smoothing could possibly prefer non-ClearType to ClearType :confused: Granted ClearType isn't as good as OS X but jesus it's about 400,000 times better than standard.
Hell no. It's heavy, blurred, and makes me feel like I'm using a CRT again.

Standard is light, crisp, and the aliasing isn't even noticeable :)
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SherberT* said:
Obviously in my opinion ;)
Most definitely :cool:

But really, everything else is sharp and well defined, why should the text not be :confused: Antialiasing only looks good macroscopically, and when everything is antialiased.
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I just can't stand cleartype, gotten used to the standard text I guess. Use opera 99% of the time anyway, so I can't see myself getting used to cleartype either :p

Somewhat offtopic- is it possible to install IE6 along side IE7?

I've upgraded to IE7, but want to do some testing in IE6 without using a different machine.
Google turned up a few results, including what appears to be the same file that you uploaded, and also returns errors for me. Should do for testing layouts though, also I found this for installing a few different versions. Thanks for the help :)
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