In one way you get a +1 for that,
Its important to recognise that the majority of these people do seem to want to be helped by the outside world and in another way they can't ever be helped as every village and town is dominated by a local mullah or tribal chief who will never allow "his" people to break free from the middle age's and brutal way of life. Any alliance with NATO or anyone else for that matter is usually a marriage of convienience that offers the local powers some kind of advantage for a short time over aincient enemies or lines their pockets until the wind changes and they swap allegiance once again to the highest bidder.
You know what, i feel sorry for the poor SOB's who died in the vid.
Its a pretty good chance they were taken away from their families in Pakistan, brainwashed, told how to plant bombs and sent up the chain to the meatgrinder in Helmand.
They could well be as much victims as anyone else.