If a car travels at the speed of light and turns headlights on what happens?

Who nicked my car? I want it back I paid a lot for those special modifications.

She can do the M1-London run in less than 12 parsecs.

Oh! And from my understanding the light for travel away from you at the speed of light.
Special Relativity only deals with inertial frames, and simply says that the speed of light is the same for all observers, in any inertial frame of reference.

The introduction of rest mass versus relativistic mass is generally a bad one though...

callmeBadger said:
Light is a EM wave, it can pass through stuff, like glass and water.

Water is actually very bad for EM fields, hence why you can't use radio underwater. The water molecule is a dipole and hinders the propogation of the field...
Kell_ee001 said:
So the car is going the speed of light with no lights on? How is he supposed to see where he's going?! :eek: :p
Hehe - when you work out what his braking distance would be, I don't think it's going to matter! :D
Psyk said:
So it would appear as a sort of parallogram?

nope*, it would just look like it was in a permanent state of skid. I'll use my paint skillz to demonstrate.......


The car is as seen by the observer (o).

* maybe yes actually, because I doubt that angles are invariant under lorentz transformations...
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valerian said:
no one knows as it is all theoretical
No it's not I've done it. Went to the shop and back in 1/100000000000 of a second.

But seriously there are many experiments that give a significant amount of evidence for it. You could say no one knows for sure but you could say that about any scientific idea. No one really knows for sure that electricity is caused by flowing electrons but a lot of things point towards it being true.
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