If anyone actually thinks a vote for Labour is a good vote, look here

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Police Chiefs have admitted that CCTV isn't used properly or for what it is intended for. Also CCTV being used for parking tickets for "inaccessible areas" for parking attendants, so you just get the ANPR programmed to get reg plates of cars in certain areas. Ala instant country wide parking tickets.
This tired old bean comes up every time, sure you might have nothing to hide now, but what about in the next few years. What happens if someone decides that it's illegal to, for instance, say bad things about the government, or discuss certain things like alternative political ideals. The tool itself is far too dangerous, it could be too easily abused if the wrong kind of people get into power. (If they aren't already there)

I agee. Look at the child database blunder.

The government and its agencies cannot be trusted with information of this calibre. Of any calibre actually. A recent report (capabitiy review) on HMRC concluded that the department has a wealth of Data, unfortunately it doesn't have the intelligence to match it. Human inteligence. If the government cannot be trusted with the information it has now, sod them recording my every fart and taking swabs of DNA.

Who is to say the next government may not overstep the mark into that kind of Fascism?

And so it starts....

Orwellian times indeed.

What happened to the right of privacy?
+1 for the sweaty teat of reality.

It's a pipe dream. The logistics would be insane, the costs would be astronomical, and the entire thing would be hopelessly unmanageable.
I'm worried about this for the two obvious reasons. Firstly, what right does the state have to read my emails and listen to my phone calls. Secondly, governments of both parties are notorious for botching IT contracts and the current government is also a bit slack with data protection (to put it mildly). It is therefore highly likely that the system implemented would come in miles over budget and late and divert resources away from much better usage.
I would estimate that a 12 month retention cycle of this data would result in a storage system in the 2 petabyte range which will need to be replicated to another site for disaster recovery.
This is by no means impossible (arrays of this size exist in the private sector) but it's highly unlikely that the government could deploy and manage such a solution because of the way it has to procure equipment from the GCAT catalogue of suppliers.

However, that is just the storage which is of no use unless there is a reliable method of data retieval. We would be talking a very large array of machines arranged in an active active relationship. Then we have the problem of whose resposibility it is to collect this data. Are the ISPs going to be required to forward all comms traffic to a central location for collection? Or maybe we're talking a central network infrastructure that all comms traffic must pass through. Either way, the logistics would be vastly complicated and the costs astronomical.
I would estimate the hardware procurement alone would run in to the 100s of millions.

There is of course the other issue that large financial institutions would not allow their network traffic to reside on the same system as other companies.

I think whoever dreamed up this idea really has no clue about how such a system could be implemented or has vastly underestimated the prevelance of email and other digital forms of communication.

I also guessing that such legislation would have a pre-requisite for other legislation making it illegal to encript any data traffic as the ability to monitor communications relies upon the ability to be able to comprehend the information.
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I would estimate that a 12 month retention cycle of this data would result in a storage system in the 2 petabyte range which will need to be replicated to another site for disaster recovery.
This is by no means impossible (arrays of this size exist in the private sector) but it's highly unlikely that the government could deploy and manage such a solution because of the way it has to procure equipment from the GCAT catalogue of suppliers.

However, that is just the storage which is of no use unless there is a reliable method of data retieval. We would be talking a very large array of machines arranged in an active active relationship. Then we have the problem of whose resposibility it is to collect this data. Are the ISPs going to be required to forward all comms traffic to a central location for collection? Or maybe we're talking a central network infrastructure that all comms traffic must pass through. Either way, the logistics would be vastly complicated and the costs astronomical.
I would estimate the hardware procurement alone would run in to the 100s of millions.

There is of course the other issue that large financial institutions would not allow their network traffic to reside on the same system as other companies.

I think whoever dreamed up this idea really has no clue about how such a system could be implemented or has vastly underestimated the prevelance of email and other digital forms of communication.

I also guessing that such legislation would have a pre-requisite for other legislation making it illegal to encript any data traffic as the ability to monitor communications relies upon the ability to be able to comprehend the information.

Some very good points raised there, especially in terms of encryption which I must admit I overlooked in my haste to post.

The logistics of such an endeavour really are mind boggling.
This tired old bean comes up every time, sure you might have nothing to hide now, but what about in the next few years. What happens if someone decides that it's illegal to, for instance, say bad things about the government, or discuss certain things like alternative political ideals. The tool itself is far too dangerous, it could be too easily abused if the wrong kind of people get into power. (If they aren't already there)

Firstly the quote above is about the mean reason not to have things like this. Having to much ability to control is simply bad. What if you talk to a friend, are peeved off at a m8 for banging your ex and say you want to kill him, then the police come and arrest you for making a threat on someones life. WHich IS what will be happening. These tools are what IS making the police force a useless retaliatory device. THey simply don't have the man power, or the authority due to such an large and increasing number of powerless community police who are on half pay, half training and smeg all power to do anything. WE are slowly using technology ONLY in police work, which means every last damn criminal that doesn't manage to leave DNA all over the place seems to be getting away/getting off the charges. It used to be that all the fully qualified police would roam the street, know the people, get information about crimes off people. This is yet another tool to make crimefighting a sit at a desk and arrest anyone caught on technology and ignore all other crime crapfest of government time wasting.

But when you start getting police using this kind of thing as main resource for catching criminals, you start to see it being abused. Whoever's in charge of the government see's bad crime figures, needs an increase in the stats, tells everyone to listen out for anyone to mention drugs and uses that as an excuse to raid anyone's house looking for a miniscule amount of weed to pump up the stats.

Police work is becoming a joke, crime is going through the roof, people are reporting crime less and less because theres no damn point anymore except grief from whoever you make the complaint against. This is yet another tool that will make a few simple crimes easier to get arrests on but lead to a complete inability to solve real crimes. But who cares if you solve 100 less murders if you catch 5000 more people with weed on them. WE need to get rid of all the useless police officers and get back to how they would try solving crimes a decade ago. This is another cheap trick to reduce police numbers and keep stats up, costing less but in reality causing more problems. Completely idiotic plan on every single level.
Yeah and people would stand for that just like they stood for the 10p tax fiasco.
Get yourself down the pub and have a beer......
TinFoil Hats! Get yer Tin Foil Hats! 5 pounds each, or 15 quid for 2. Get Yer TinFoil Hats here.....

did you not see the news article on that a while ago, some university did a test and found that a tinfoil hat amplified radio signals in the governments band of the spectrum, into the head :D

When i saw this last night i was absolutely speechless...

look what they have done already...

No protesting within half a mile of Westminster
42 days incarceration without charge
1 CCTV camera for every 14 people in the country
ID cards for all

and now this ?

its long been known that GCHQ can and does monitor communications but thats mission specific, i.e. not the whole bloody country at once.

George Orwell is probably turning in his grave as I type! :mad:
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