I have pretty much everything i want guitar wise. All thats left is a Strat (comming next year, probably a custoim shop relic), and a Digitech whammy pedal.
Paul Reed Smith private stock, made to my specs.
I already own a PRS, and it's without question the best guitar i've ever played. I've played most Gibsons and Fenders (including a '61 Strat), a couple of Jacksons, and a few Ibanez's, and my PRS is just better.
Seeing as i hate Gibson Les Pauls, i'd have to get a
PRS singlecut to fill in the 'Les Paul' slot.
I also fancy a
Blackmachine B2 (
http://www.blackmachine.co.uk/B2Frame.htm )
No Gibsons until they give a 25" scale option.
The acoustic would have to be a
Martin Dreadnought.
I'd be inclined to try out the
POD pro, the
Rodger Linn Adrenalinn (
http://www.rlinndesign.com/products/adrenalinn.shtml ) and a Digitech Whammy I.
Peavy 5150. Without question, the best amp distortion i've ever heard in my life.