If Mr 8 Pack would be so kind?

10 Sep 2010
Cornwall, England

I'm working on a project at the moment (http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18471545) and will need a 3930K, but I don't want a lemon of an overclocker so I was wondering If I could perhaps bribe you (8 Pack) to test some OEM 3930K's for me to find a good overclocker?

I did ask in the component technical support section and Bailey thought you might be able to help me out :)

Maybe you could think of it as sponsoring my project, then you have a reason to provide the service and deny it to others.

Anyway thanks for asking, I really appreciate that and I understand if it's not a possibility.
On a slightly more serious note I have a new 3930k I need to try out at some point.

What does the average one reach speed wise in a RIVE. Would it be about 4.8 - 4.9ghz


Hey! I was being serious! :p

Depends what voltage and cooling you have but I would say an average chip would reach about 4.6Ghz with about 1.36V
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