if, when you were 10 years old...

I imagine that 10 year old Joshy would have been impressed, it's just current Joshy that isn't too thrilled :D.

To be honest, I don't think there is any point of thinking what your former self would think of the choices and decisions, as far as I'm concerned we're all constantly changing :).
Really pleased. On the whole I like where I am today, the problem would be convincing my 10 year old self that I'm still cool.
With the hindsight knowledge of the last 'x' years (nearly 26 in my case) to take you back to 10, we would all have done things differently.

Would you be as happy as you are now? Who knows but I doubt it.
I'd probably be too distracted swapping football stickers to listen to what they were telling me. Probably wouldn't be too impressed with where I am just now, but I dare say I'd still think all the stuff that happened in the meantime was pretty cool :p
Sort of ok-ish, I know I've underachieved but I'm doing alright.

Same with me - I know now that I am intelligent enough to literally do anything. I always coasted by on my intelligence - AAB at A-Level, went to a very good uni and got a good degree, but I never really pushed myself at any stage, and am in a reasonably enjoyable, but low profile and low paid job which I ultimately can't see myself in forever. I know this now though, and still have time to change things :)
Probably really confused about why I didn't want to be a paleontologist any more because dinosaurs are the most awesome things in the world ever! Teenage me would have been quite happy at me working for a computer games company, hell I'm quite happy at me working for a computer games company :D
someone told you you would be where you are now and doing what you are doing now with your life, how would you have felt about it?

At 10 I'd have thought working on aircraft was awesome. At 36 is a completely different matter :D

As for the rest of my life, I'd have been happy enough.

Although at 10 I expected to be Center forward for Everton and driving a Countach.
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