If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

15 Aug 2003
...To todays standards in graphics, 5.1 sound etc..

now this remake would guarenteed still have the classic gameplay just be updated with a new engine, physics etc...

Personally, id love to see a very up2 date System Shock 2 - like i say the gameplay elemetns in theory would be unchanged etc..

But SS2 is by far the scariest game EVER - i dont normally get scared, or jump or things like that but my god this game was scary as hell - i would love to play it all updated and nice.

I wonder if there will be a SS3?
DailyGeek said:
Without a shadow of a doubt I'd say Blood - with the humour intact :D

Never played original only the 2nd

your sig brings back memories though - how hard was that game!!!

loved it :D
I'd love to see a new Dizzy game...
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Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn with Covert Ops expansion and secret ant missions intact. Oh yes please :D
McDaniel said:
Never played original only the 2nd

your sig brings back memories though - how hard was that game!!!

loved it :D

Been trying to play Rainbow Islands recently - I'm sure its got harder since i was 7 years old :(
McDaniel said:
i only ever completed Prince of the Yolk Folk - some of them were so hard, like Treasure Island Dizzy
Prince of the yolkfolk was a cop out on the amiga, it didnt have the annoyances that made dizzy dizzy, like not knwoing how far you are going to roll etc.
Last one I played was crystal kingdom dizzy on the master system 2, which was like a hybrid of other dizzy games (some bubble dizzy etc)
Counter-Strike 1.5, oh wait cs pro mod is on its way, and i dont want to hear any rubbish about cs:s it isnt the same.
Speedball 2 would be cool - it nearly happened too!

Some of the old amiga games were so much fun to play then but bringing them back would probably not make them any better.

For the PC I would love to play X Wing in super high res with loads of ships on scene at once.
SteveOBHave said:
A properly re-worked ELITE and Frontier. None of this original release pap...
Definately! I lost many hours to that game on my Atari STe ;)

After reading the Dungeon Keeper thread I'd also like to see the original re-released. That was a real classic!

Goldeneye on the N64 and Super Mario Kart on the SNES should also get a mention for their multiplayer fun.
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