If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

Rocket Ranger on the Amiga.
One of the first games I bought when I purchased my A500 in 1988.
Absolute quality and amazing for the time.
Toejam & Earl would be my choice, or maybe a new Another World/Flashback game. Would be nice to see a new Thief game in the spirit of the first two as well, rather than the flawed third effort.

Baldurs Gate would be one, but the Infinity engine is what made the games great, I love any game on the Infinity engine. :)
richyfingers said:
Amen to that, although I wouldnt say no to X-wing or X-wing alliance either.
I thought that X-wing alliance was a decient update of x-wing. if you put all gfx up to max (AA and all) then it still looks fine
A remake/update of Tie Figher, Magic Carpet or the original Syndicate would be most welcome but I'd love see a remake/update of Heimdall. I played it for hours and hours and still prefer it over most current RPGs.
Little Big Adventure for the win

Although Blood and Postal 2 would also have to be released with updated graphics and physics etc.

Actually forget all of the those

The original Carmageddon (maybe with the add-ons) with Crysis graphics and physics.
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