If you could play any instrument, and only one song on it...

Robosapien said:
Piano - moonlight sonnata
Can't be that hard, might give it a go soon

Yes it doesn't sound that difficult perhaps but getting the interpretation right is quite another thing and that's before you even manage to get the actual melody to "ring" out. It's a rewarding piece to play though because you ca let it mirror your mood.

Incidentally, the first movement is very well known but it actually comprises three movements. The second is a little bit trickier than the first in a way but the third is a monumentally difficult piece. It relies on fantastic timing, stamina and again, interpretation but is one of the most amazing pieces of music to hear live or play and in fact, I'd place it in the same category of the Appassionata for sheer volume and effort required.
phykell said:
Incidentally, the first movement is very well known but it actually comprises three movements. The second is a little bit trickier than the first in a way but the third is a monumentally difficult piece. It relies on fantastic timing, stamina and again, interpretation but is one of the most amazing pieces of music to hear live or play and in fact, I'd place it in the same category of the Appassionata for sheer volume and effort required.

Sorry to disagree, but I'd say the last movement of the Appassionata is far more difficult. It's basically non-stop virtuousity whereas the Moonlight is just touched with it in places. I 'mastered' the Moonlight technically when I was about 14, but the Appassionata took me until I was about 20 - and even now I still fluff the odd note :p


arty said:
Sorry to disagree, but I'd say the last movement of the Appassionata is far more difficult. It's basically non-stop virtuousity whereas the Moonlight is just touched with it in places. I 'mastered' the Moonlight technically when I was about 14, but the Appassionata took me until I was about 20 - and even now I still fluff the odd note :p


Well I can't speak for you but I always found the Moonlight's 3rd movement very difficult to play in terms of stamina and maintaining the timing and precision needed. I wouldn't necessarily disagree that the Appassionata was more difficult but I would say that, like most pieces, they each have their own unique flavour of difficulty and the idea of timing, which I may find particularly difficult myself, may not be something you or others find as difficult. Of course, it's important here to point out that I believe you are significantly more advanced than I am so what we both find difficult may well be completely different! ;)

Regarding the Moonlight, I recall "mastering" the first movement when I was in my teens but it wasn't until I was in my 20s that I heard it performed live and realised I'd never managed to even make the melody heard. The same happened with the incredible 2nd movement from the Pathetique sonata as well. Again there is a definite melody which is all too easy to miss for the amateur like myself.
phykell said:
Well I can't speak for you but I always found the Moonlight's 3rd movement very difficult to play in terms of stamina and maintaining the timing and precision needed. I wouldn't necessarily disagree that the Appassionata was more difficult but I would say that, like most pieces, they each have their own unique flavour of difficulty and the idea of timing, which I may find particularly difficult myself, may not be something you or others find as difficult. Of course, it's important here to point out that I believe you are significantly more advanced than I am so what we both find difficult may well be completely different! ;)

Regarding the Moonlight, I recall "mastering" the first movement when I was in my teens but it wasn't until I was in my 20s that I heard it performed live and realised I'd never managed to even make the melody heard. The same happened with the incredible 2nd movement from the Pathetique sonata as well. Again there is a definite melody which is all too easy to miss for the amateur like myself.

Fair points all - sorry if I came across a bit arrogant there. Agreed on the voicing comment too: I know it's one of my weaker points :)

phykell said:

Yes it doesn't sound that difficult perhaps but getting the interpretation right is quite another thing and that's before you even manage to get the actual melody to "ring" out. It's a rewarding piece to play though because you ca let it mirror your mood.

Incidentally, the first movement is very well known but it actually comprises three movements. The second is a little bit trickier than the first in a way but the third is a monumentally difficult piece. It relies on fantastic timing, stamina and again, interpretation but is one of the most amazing pieces of music to hear live or play and in fact, I'd place it in the same category of the Appassionata for sheer volume and effort required.

Cool Geek Musicians, this to me is like the first time I heard a foreign language conversation, you really want to know what they are talkng about :)
arty said:
Fair points all - sorry if I came across a bit arrogant there. Agreed on the voicing comment too: I know it's one of my weaker points :)

No way did I interpret you as being arrogant, TBH it didn't even cross my mind! :)

Actually I did really, and the only effective way you can apologise is to play me the Appassionata on my own piano ;)

Jleo said:
Cool Geek Musicians, this to me is like the first time I heard a foreign language conversation, you really want to know what they are talkng about :)
:D There is so much in even some of the simplest pieces that people can discuss it for hours. The best way of appreciating music is of course to play an instrument, and TBH for anyone in this thread who's expressed an interest in learning something, they should go ahead and do it. Even if you don't get very far I guarantee that you will at least being appreciate music and your favourite artists a great deal more and it also lets you appreciate individual pieces of music more too. For me, there have been many pieces of music which I've never been interested in before I played them.
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I'd just love to be able to play a great rock/Blue guitar

So for guitar it would be Probably
Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top
Mary Had a Little Lamb - Stevie Ray Vaughan

The Devil Went Down to Georgia - So many so take yer pick

Take the Power Back - RATM

Pride - U2
Longview - Green Day
PanMaster said:
Piano - Rachmaninoff 2nd concerto
I watched Stephen Hough play it recently and I'm deadset on mastering it.
I've been playing over 10 years and have never taken an interest in classical/romantic music before.
Careful, madness that way lies... The 2nd is a very demanding piece to play.
PanMaster said:
Piano - Rachmaninoff 2nd concerto
Quite recently I watched that being performed by the young musician of the year from the keybaord section from a couple of years back. Was truely incredible, i love the 2nd movement but it's way out my league :p
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