If you like House, and you like Dexter...

is his history with the cereal killer.

Yes, the link between House and The Mentalist is obvious. Both characters undermine their superiors and do their best to upset people but both are extremely clever in their chosen fields.

Admitedly the link between The Menalist and Dexter is a little weaker. It's about two characters who are bother trapped in their own worlds with nobody around them being able to relate to them.
The mentalist is ok, but its no house :P House is the best show in production imho. i have seen an ep of Dexter, it was alright might spend the time watching it at some point. but i dont really think its a croos between the 2 of the like some crazy love child. its an OK show i did like the first ep of the mentalist but would go for house over it any day. though i can see how they are similar, Hugh is a much better actor and plays the part better, i think the writting of House is much better as i am much more captivated. I was interested what had happened to house and his leg, but with the mentalist i wasnt so bothered about what had hapened to his family and so on. its just doesn't demand the same amount of attension, does not carry the same comedy or wit, House is an american show thats been written well, where as i feel that the mentalist is an american show that is truely american :P

and thats the long and short of my opinions!

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