If you live in NI and want an xbox360...

4 Nov 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
then get yourself down to Game in Forestside in Belfast because I picked up three tonight, two for myself and one for my mate. Just a heads up for my fellow countrymen really - not bragging! :p . They have quite good stock I assume and I was quite surprised when he allowed me to buy more than one. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know. It seems that stock is trickling through in places.

Brilliant. I got one off ebay a few weeks back for a stinger of a price. Wish I woulda waited now... Anyway, cheers for the info. I'll be sure to let my mates know.
BTW If you're shopping in Game in Belfast - don't support the Donegall Arcade store as it's run by a complete muppet *******.
IceBus said:
BTW If you're shopping in Game in Belfast - don't support the Donegall Arcade store as it's run by a complete muppet *******.
I take it you've had a bad experience with them in the past then? :p

What exactly happened to make you say that :confused:

Whappers said:
I take it you've had a bad experience with them in the past then? :p

What exactly happened to make you say that :confused:


Nothing wrong with the majority of the staff there... Having worked in GAME though... ;)
Whappers, did you have to buy the premium plus a certain amount of games? Gonna try Abbey Centre as they may have some in, plus I need some accessories... ie. remote controller charge kits dammit!

Don't think I can go up today - got a programming exam tomorrow up at Queens, so I shall leave it till Friday, hopefully they still got some in stock!!
Rossmac said:
Whappers, did you have to buy the premium plus a certain amount of games?
No, I just bought my two consoles on their own, with no paraphanelia :p. However, the store manager and his assistant were overly keen to tell me about their "special king kong bundle" which basically consisted of an xbox 360 premium with King Kong for £300. It was extra money that I did not want to spend so I just got the consoles.

Rossmac said:
Don't think I can go up today - got a programming exam tomorrow up at Queens, so I shall leave it till Friday, hopefully they still got some in stock!!

In my opinion you will be lucky to get one on Friday. But the truth is you just never know until you arrive. I still can't believe how lucky I was. Well good luck getting that Xbox 360. I hope you get it.

I already have a 360, got from local Xtravision on 23rd Dec. This other one is for my friend as a gift for a new house down in Larne. So there really isn't any rush to get one although I would prefer to get one sooner than later as the new house idea is probably going to wear off soon I would think.

Thanks for the info and I shalll try my luck on Fri afternoon.
Thanks for the heads up, i just got my brother to go down a get one as i write this. It's a shame i cant play it til i go back to belfast for easter holidays!
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