Ignoring E-mails

I reply to all emails where I can correctly regardless of a negative response. If they don't like it then tuff. Not my problem.

This is how it almost always has to happen where I work... On several occasions I have had to copy in managers to get things noticed, and then had to copy in company directors to get the managers to do something about the other people who aren't doing anything...

Today I had a chat with the CEO about the directors not doing anything about the managers not doing anything about the people who weren't doing anything... Seriously!

Be very careful with this! Sometimes this may lead to a big red X on your back.
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I reply to all emails where I can correctly regardless of a negative response. If they don't like it then tuff. Not my problem.

Be very careful with this! Sometimes this may lead to a big red X on your back.

I didn't have much choice, they were trying to force me to work in London permanently which is a 60 mile each way commute, without asking me, which is otherwise in accordance to my contract (i.e not what I'm paid to do) and were flatly ignoring my protests that I am paid to work there for one month in every three, not all the time.

So far people are finally aware of what is going on and are trying to figure out a resolution (I hope...) but I was already up there for 6 weeks when I was supposed to be there for 4, and now I'm at my more local head office again for 1 week when I'm supposed to be here for 8, and next week they expect me to go back to London, potentially for another 6 to 8 weeks...

They changed my job title and place of work without so much as making a passing comment to me about it. I found out when I checked the rota document. I mean, seriously..? :confused:
I've learned that with certain individuals, if you need a response promptly/immediately, that a phone call or physically going to them yields the best results. With a follow up e-mail to cover yourself. I've always been inclined to e-mail as it's just my preference but as of late pick up the phone more often than I used to as it's less faceless (ironically).

I still semi-regularly have to chase and CC the next in the chain of command with a few individuals, though I do so reluctantly. It's a bit of a lose/lose as they start putting themselves in your 'ball-ache' book and you start looking like a jobsworth in theirs.

Ultimately I agree that all e-mails should be responded to and at the very least acknowledged but the nature of some peoples roles stops them from regularly monitoring their e-mails but this isn't an excuse to ignore them (or somebody) altogether.
If its someone I feel might not reply, I'll just phone them. If its someone who thinks he only has to reply to people above him (there are lots of those, rude one word answers, but lovely detailed responses to managers etc) I just read receipt them. when I decide to call them out on it, just cc in a few people they wont want to upset and mention that they read the message on .... and you are still waiting on a response.
I hate how outlook gives you the option of NOT sending a read receipt. You've read the email. Why doesn't outlook send this automatically without asking?

Then you know if people got the email instantly and are ignoring you.
It's amazing how helpful they become if you copy the big bosses in. It's a natural mental priority thing, if it is just a direct mail then it's seen as being low priority and/also easy to just sweep under the carpet.

Email is also such a waste of productivity (unless you're a manager I guess). People just sitting at their desk all day writing emails to each other all day just to cover their backside and further fuel the blame culture.
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It's amazing how helpful they become if you copy the big bosses in. It's a natural mental priority thing, if it is just a direct mail then it's seen as being low priority and/also easy to just sweep under the carpet.

Email is also such a waste of productivity (unless you're a manager I guess). People just sitting at their desk all day writing emails to each other all day just to cover their backside and further fuel the blame culture.

Emails can be tracked and that's the beauty, however 'I forgot to press send' comes into mind. OR 'oh well it defiantly sent it'. Ignorance is bliss n all that!
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