Illuminated Keyboards

I’ve got a Belkin slim illuminated set & the keyboard is great :) the mouse may be a bit hit and miss with some people what with all the colour illuminations going on :p The keyboard btw is lit by a nice blue backlight.

Not the best of pics but just to give you an idea..

Does it matter if it's "gamer" or not?
Most nice backlit ones are classed as gamer, but I don't really see why - take the Saitek Eclipse's, they look pretty good and have no extra gaming features.
Jasebta said:
Does it matter if it's "gamer" or not?
Most nice backlit ones are classed as gamer, but I don't really see why - take the Saitek Eclipse's, they look pretty good and have no extra gaming features.

Thanks for that. Agreed about comment re gamer or not. Just that most of the gamer ones come with loads of macro buttons which I won't use and a hefty pricetag. As for the Saitek. Still doesn't hit my button - looks a bit tacky to me. If there was one like the Logitech G11 without the extra keys and a lower price maybe...
Kirth Gersen said:
Thanks for the reply but in all honesty...

yech :eek:


:D :D Whats wrong with the keyboard? just out of intrest.

stickroad said:
Hey fothsn, what keyboard is that?

Do you mind posting a few more pics please?

Looks like a very nice keyboard.

Sure mate give me a few mins to setup the SLR :p
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I've got a Speedlink which I really like. Don't have a pic of just the keyboard but here it is. Just noticed it fits your requirements in the last post also.
I don't know if you can still get them or how much they are.

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