If you want to get anywhere, concentrate on networks and security. Installing software and fixing printers is for mugs
100% this. It's OK for a first job, but you definitely don't want to still be doing it 10 years later!
I did tech support for years..... and finally moved on in to DevOps... now I cant stand giving anyone any tech support. I'm just so bored with it.
Also if you have any hopes of salary increases then your have to move on up the ladder.
For entry level jobs around 20k employers now want experience and knowledge in Server 2012+, SCCM, Citrix, GPO, backup and anti virus platforms and a hell of a lot more.
Market is flooded with IT techs and wannabe IT techs who think they know something.
This may be true, but in my experience a lot of landing a job is down to your personality and getting on with the person interviewing you.
If they like you your half way there.
I would say to the OP, work in 1st line/tech support for 2-3 years ish, then think about do you want to go down the Microsoft route, Cisco route or Linux route.
There maybe a Security route too, but to be honest if you don't have experience in one of the three I mentioned above, I don't think learning the security aspect is going to be of much benefit.
It's a bit like wanting to be a football coach but having never actually played football. Not impossible, but people will take you much more seriously if you've got in the field experience to back it up.
Also how old is the op?
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