So a while back I baught a new mobo and noticed it had some SATA sockets.
Just baught myself a Western Digital 10000RPM 36.7GB hard drive but I have no idea how to set up SATA drives.
I got a floppy disk with the mobo which says RAID SATA drivers so I just checked the manual but it has nothing on it.
Could someone give me a rundown of how to set up an SATA drive from scratch?
(I plan to install a fresh copy of windows on it when it arrives.)
Just baught myself a Western Digital 10000RPM 36.7GB hard drive but I have no idea how to set up SATA drives.
I got a floppy disk with the mobo which says RAID SATA drivers so I just checked the manual but it has nothing on it.
Could someone give me a rundown of how to set up an SATA drive from scratch?
(I plan to install a fresh copy of windows on it when it arrives.)