I'm back in town! (Cuba holiday + pictures)

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Al Vallario said:
Heading for the Guantanamo Bay resort? I hear it's nice ;) :D

I don't like the uniform they make you wear though :p I hear the showers are a bit cramped too....

AJUK - no jumps whilst there, will probably do some dives (scuba) instead though :) I can't be bothered to take my rig all the way there :p
You're not there to whack Castro are you Will ?

Freefaller said:
Von - you know as well as any I can't discuss Her Majesty's plans publically ;)

I actually think Castro is quite a remarkable leader. It's going to be a fascinating trip.

Well he seized power in 1959, Communism crumbled elsewhere, the CIA have been trying to whack him for over 40 years and he still lives and rules Cuba.

Yes, I would agree he is remarkable. :)
Bear said:
Baahh you git, Im off to Cuba too but in 10 weeks time unfortunately :p Anyone know if the only way to get Cuban currency is actually when you land in Cuba ??
Best way is to take US dollars. Pesos cannot be changed anywhere but Cuba and are worthless when you leave too.

Also don't drink the tap water, there is a very minor threat of dengue from mosquitos too. You don't have to worry about Malaria in Cuba. You should get your Hep A vaccine too, or a booster. Rabies and typhoid are worthwhile getting a booster too.
Yeah - in Cuba it's usually from contaminated water or ice, but food can also carry it. Always worth boiling the water for a minute, or use iodine tablets and to help sort out the taste you can use ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - but you shouldn't really drink it for more than a couple of weeks. Boiling water is the best way.

It's easy to forget it's not a modern part of the world, despite having internet access, a mobile phone network - it's still miles behind in sanitation and other such things (in the rural areas). Even some of the built up areas is worth being wary.

Oh and be wary of travellers "runs" ;) Take some immodium or something - I did when I went to Kenya... god send, seriously.
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