I'm DarkShadow. And This is my story.

14 Apr 2004
There are times in life when you have tremendous setbacks and the odds seem insanely stacked up against you. That's when you're in control. It's all you. Character, strength and leadership is created under these circumstances. And it's at that defining moment when you must absorb all the misfortune and then make the mountain ahead a series of small paths and slopes. And hey, chances are you will succeed, surprise yourself and make those around you feel bigger and better than they are.

I've been through an incredibly challenging time and ultimately this impacted my training with many factors beyond my remit of control. It's funny because in the past, I've felt challenged in many different ways. Not only have I overcome them, I've excelled and exceeded my expectations but this time things felt different.

In 2008, I learnt a great deal about myself. It was the year I took the initiative to turn my life around after some serious health issues that led to me becoming seriously overweight.

It started when I woke up one morning I looked in this mirror. The eyes I saw in front of me were the eyes of a very tired man. a man who was on the verge of accepting defeat. It's improper to feel like that at 18. It was that day I saw this look in my eye. It was a look that began to change my world. I had an epiphany. My life began to turn around, on an imaginable scale. After this, I knew anything was possible with this kind determination and will. I had to attend to my health, body and physical state.

This is about my physical transformation, so here's what happened..

Late 2008-2010

I start at 210lb and I have no idea on how to lift. I teach myself and I learn things the hard way. I start on dumbells the size of a mini sized snickers bar and I lifted bars without weight. I go from this to this:


I learn to Squat 2.7 * my bodyweight, Raw - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4joM5eZwt2s.

I go on to Deadlift 3 * bodyweight, Raw - http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-results-asif-deadlift-review/

Made solid contributions to Stronglifts. Featured in the ebook.

It was a good year.


The only kind of training I now knew was strength training.

I hit dips for 50KG + BW for 6 clean reps, I could clean and press 97.5KG. Half way throughout the year, I got my deadlifts to 185KG for 8 reps raw. I was also squatting a lot stronger than I had been recently. My overall strength was higher than my previous achievements, without a shadow of doubt. I decided I wanted to put on more size and become even stronger.

I made a typical bulking mistake. I became fat again without even realising.

Towards November I ended up looking fat again at 174lb.

I did not train smart. My minimum working capacity was 80%. I never had a chance to recover/grow properly.


I've made many mistakes in my past diets, so it was time to put my experience to the test.

I did this:

I gain nearly 18lb and I look like this:

My lifts significantly rise. I feel like a machine. 2 cycles of HST see me through some immense gains the way it should have been in the past.

Life at this point takes a U-Turn and it begins to go down hill from here. I attempt to get things back on road. A couple of months later I discover my AC has been cracked for the past 2 years. I make a decision to opt for surgery.

I decide to leave with a new PR as a testament to where my challenge will next begin from.

I have an AC surgery. Turns out to be a lot more painful than I imagined. Unable to train. Frustrated. Life becomes incredibly interesting.

Body goes to crap. I look far worse than I have over the years.

This was a tough month. Mentally it was draining. I went to the gym to do some active recovery work, stretch, walk. Drop all my weights by 90-95%. I return to work, 2 days later I lose my job. That evening, I book a trip to Egypt backpacking. I cover over 1,000 miles in 5 days.

I revisit my training journey and instill untainted belief that I will surpass what I reached. I set new goals and I start working on a new routine.


I begin the new plan with some basic rules rules.
  1. Don't be stupid.
  2. The smallest of pain, you must immediately stop
  3. Not to be stupid.
  4. No chest or shoulder work until I make progression.
  5. No weight jumping. Small increments throughout.
  6. Srs bro. Don't be stupid.
I do my own phsyio. Start from the foundations again, rework my movement capacity, rebuild recruitment patterns and drop the weights by 90%. I enforce Lean Gains approach without calorie counting. I've never felt so disciplined in my life. I trained immensely hard both physically/mentally.

Here were the results 2 weeks ago:

I have the same 6 pack I had a year ago and I weigh 10lb more which puts me in at 167.7lb.

The road to recovery was a delicate one. I've never experience an injury before. So my parameters were done on 'learn as you progress' basis. I broke some of my rules as I don't believe in training more than 4 days a week. I was training between 5 and 6.

First I started off working on recruitment patterns. I was squatting 2/3 times a week and deadlifting once a week. I kept to movements that I could accomplish without causing any kind of irritation. After 4 weeks, I moved on to a stricter approach and went with a reverse pyramid routine. I've been on that for about 10 weeks now. My approach was 6reps on clean ass form. 8 reps minus 10% of 6r. 10 Reps minus 10% of 8r.

In between my big 2 heavy days, I was working on a number of assistance exercises and core days for building a threshold of core strength.

I've already achieved some of my annual goals as I did not expect progress on such a vast scale! I'm going to cap off my deadlifts at 180KG for the year and squats for 150KG. I'll share my thinking at a later stage.

Closing Thoughts

Pushing what happened in my life aside. This operation gave me some serious food for thought. Things are different than how they started off. Before things were a matter of going out there and pushing myself to the extremes which was good fun, really good fun.

Then I came to the realisation that if I want to progress to another level, I'm going to have change things. And one of those things is being less crazy. Doing big lifts is great fun but following that approach isn't sustainable. I want to be strong, function and healthy for the rest of my life. I believe I made use of what I knew best but after taking some time out. Things are much more refined.

I'm going to vary things. I will always be strong and more importantly I have the correct tools to become stronger when I need to be. I want to become functional in other areas. More on that in my goals.

Just some closing words. The thrill is in hard work, patience, discipline and results. My greatest asset is once I set out to achieve something, consider it done. And this is why I will achieve all my goals.

For the bro's whom have kept in touch and kept the bromance alive. I have no words other than my gratitude.

I've been inactive on this forum for a couple of years. That's going to change. I will be committed to updating this log as often as I can.
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2013 Goals

The world belongs to the energetic. Energy and persistence conquer all things. I have a strong will, a settled purpose, an invincible determination. I will achieve these goals.

End of year post-op goals, shoulder permitting I MUST:

  • Deadlift 160KG for 4 reps with strict form.
    [*]Squat 130KG for 6 reps with strict form.

    [*]Hold a handstand against wall for: 30 secs. 60 secs.
    [*]Learn how to skip.
    [*]10 V-Sit ups.

    [*]10 dragon flags.
    [*]10 Muscle Ups.
    [*]10 pistol squats on each leg. - Postponed until knee is better.
    [*]10 front lever tucks. - Postponed due to tricep tear

2014 Goals

  • [*]Walk comfortably and get pass my initial knee surgery
  • Work on Physio to get full range of motion
  • Increase intensity and endurance in getting to a decent level of fitness

Long Term Goals:

  • Hold Reverse Lever
  • Hold Front Lever
  • Hold Flag
  • Hold Floor L-Sit
  • Hold a V-Sit.
  • Go from a v-sit to a handstand press.
  • Perform 5 Plance press ups.
  • Run a 6 minute mile.
  • Squat 200KG
  • Deadlift 230KG
  • Hold the flag with a person standing on top of me.
  • Hold a Reverse lever with a person standing on top of me.

Subject to updates/info.
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Yesterdays session was a few supersetted core workouts, which I will details throughout the week.

For now, here's some progress on some muscle ups

Cheers fellas :)

hows the AC joint now mate? Benching still totally out?
I still do feel tension/pain if I hyperextend or perform any push related movements. So for now, bench is out. Although I do perform bench movements with light dumbbells.

I mixed things up this week in preparation for this week as I start travelling.

SS - Superset

10mins stretching.

Lying down, side ways performing external rotations: 9KG DB 2X10 each side

(SS) Muscle Ups - 6, 6, 3 (MP3 player and keys fell out of pocket and lost momentum)
(SS) SL DB Deadlift (40KG) - 3 X 6
(SS) Spiderman Press ups - 3 X 6

Low Row
120KG X 6
120Kg X 6
125KG X 6

TRX Body Row with feet on wall: 3 X 10

10 min foam roller work.
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Thanks Tom and Benny :)
haha, I do think I would crush him :D
Death :(

This week is my last week before I go backpacking for a few weeks, so far I'm really pleased with my form and progress.

15min stretching and mobility.

WU - Warmup Set
WU - 60KG X 6 Reps
WU - 100KG X 4
WU - 130KG X 1

150KG X 6 Reps

140KG X Reps 8 Reps

140KG X 10 Reps

Weighted Up chin ups
+30KG - 6 Reps
+20KG - 8 Reps
+10KG - 7 Reps

EZ Barbell Curl
EZ Bar (8KG) + 35KG X 6
+ 30KG X 6
Alternatively I'll do it and it becomes twice as easy :p

This is a great log dude, the ups and downs make for an inspirational story :)

Plus, a log where people are trying to train right is very much welcome right now!

Cheers buddy.

Yesterday my workout was cut short due to commitments. So here's all I got in :(

Superset X 4 sets
60 Seconds weighted speed rope (last 10 secounds - double unders)
10 Ab Knee Rollouts
10 V-Sits
20 - 30sec Handstand practice
Was unable to train today as strange enough I pulled my tricep near the armpit region whilst coming down front a lever tuck which felt really painful.

Superset (cut short)
Front Lever tuck (strict form) - 8 Reps
12KG KB Turkish Sit up (Each side) 8 Reps
12GB KB Ab Rotation (strict form) 8 Reps ea
6 Spiderman press ups 6 ea

It was on my 4th set I had to pull out.

I'm off backpacking, so I'm taking a week off, I believe this will be fantastic and give me time to reflect.

I return in a week, same day I land - I'm off to croatia for yet more backpacking. I then have a week at the gym then I'm off to the canaries. I'll be focusing on more Bodyweight protocols throughout these weeks. I was hoping to get in my 6 Reps for 180KG on deadlift but I'll work on that once I return.

Here's what I'm packing for the week:


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Thanks guys.

How long did it take you to learn muscle ups?
It didn't take me very long as I was already strong enough to lift my BW + weights - The problem was good form which comes with practice. I'd say a few weeks if I remember correctly.

The pull I had turned out to be somewhat more serious. It bruised up and I can still feel it present. So I'm having to remove any hang related work until it recovers.

The trip was beyond epic but unfortunately I had some really severe tummy issues. I had immense runs for 5 days, which meant I didn't eat and I did a 40 hour detox without food. I lost a few pounds. On the plus, I clocked an 8 hour trek at this stunning place:


And in general I did hell of a lot of walking and very little eating and sleeping.

I returned yesterday, was awfully tired but went for a quick session. I have to mix my routine this week until I recover and finish my holiday next week.

4 X Supersets
1 min Skipping
10 V-Sit ups
10 Hovering Ab Sit Ups (where you're balancing on your gluteus without touching the floor)

EZ Barbell Curls (Strict Form)
Bar + 32.5KG (6r)
Bar + 37.5KG (6r)
Bar + 30KG (10r)

DB Hammer Curls:
15KG X 6
7.5 X 10

3 X 30sec Wall planks
As I was prepping for squats I looked in the mirror and I saw this mother... :eek:


It's immensely green around the area which cannot be seen well on the pic and I must say it was quite off putting. Paired up with having had my first real meal yesterday my workout wasn't great

150KG X 5
140KG X 7
130KG X 8

My form wasn't like my last, I'm sure my knees caved in a few times.

Leg extension.
95KG X 6
85KG X 8

Leg curl.
62.5KG X 6
57.5KG X 8
It's now been 12 days and the bruising has extended to my elbow. I think I'm going to pay a visit to the A&E and I'm backing off any kind of training involving direct or indirect work from my arms.


King - I will post some thoughts later.
After returning from my travels, it turns out I tore my tricep. I continued to workout but I kept my regime to strictly Squats, BB Lunges and some recovery exercises.

I'm starting to recoup and I've been able to deadlift again.

Ramadan begun on the 8th of July which means I have been fasting from before sunrise to sunset which is approximately 19 hours without food and water.

As my gym closes before Sunset (9pm) I've been throwing in 2 compound exercises, 3 times a week in keeping maintenance for 4 weeks, spending approximately 30minutes each session (inc stretching). Enough to induce fatigue with rest periods of 2-3 minutes to prevent dehydration.

On some weekends I've trained past midnight on some core/assistance exercises.

Here are some squats from last week, 18 hours into the fast:

150KG - 5 Reps
135KG - 8 Reps
120Kg - 8 Reps

3 * 6 BW Chin ups

3 * 6 Ab wheel rollout (knees)
I have't been around for the last few months as a lot has happened and I've been consumed by life. I have however been consistent with my training.

Although 7 weeks ago, whilst doing a pistol squat my knee popped. I have a MRI scan due. It happened on the first rep and it was about 1am. I've been practising pistol squats and I was up to around 25 with good form. Just another unfortunate case.

Had some deadlifts today and a couple of other compounds. 18 hours into fasting.

60KG - 5Reps
100KG - 5 Reps
140KG - 5 Reps
170KG - 3 Reps
180KG - 1 Rep
190KG - 5 Reps

140KG - 20 Reps

I'm off to venice for 3 days. I arrive back for late Monday midnight. I fly back out on Tuesday to Pakistan.

This is going to be really interesting. I'll be relying on a lot of BW training using anything at my disposal with my knee not in the best of condition. I'll be continuing an IF approach with very limited protein as I'll be living in a fairly secluded village. Rumour has it, there's a gym around. That said, I've always believed in the 0.6-0.8g per lb of BW.
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I will certainly start working on those things. It was the first time I lifted as heavy since my operation last year.

I've returned from my travels and I had my MRI scan last night.

I was abroad for 4 weeks from Venice straight to Pakistan (pk) the next 12 hours. After landing in pk, I stuck with bottled water and kept a fairly strict diet (grilled chicken/fish/boiled eggs/omelettes).

I went to the gym there about 4 times a week. I find it difficult to describe what I saw there. Lets just say the bro-reps were taken to a whole new level.



Some key notes:
  • It was bare foot policy with cast iron plates (I saw a 20KG plate drop on someone's foot).
  • Some guys would train in trousers and shirts whilst others would train in traditional clothes.
  • I opted for the hefty 7 day weekly gym membership which cost a grand total of 100 rupees (58p). Whereas a monthly membership would cost 300 rupees (£1.74) :cool:
  • These guys made the youtube awful form videos seem good! :eek: :D
I did well for some 12 days. Then I fell seriously ill. The worst experience I've had in all my years of living. Some 16 projectile vomits and countless bouts of diarrhea in 10 hours.. It got so bad, I ended up in some village hospital on drips and hell of a lot of medication. I became severely dehydrated and had severe gastric problems. Paired up with altitude (2000m) and motion sickness, the last 10 days became very difficult.

I'm still allowing my body to adjust from the trauma :( It's the first time I've broke out of IF in over a year of sticking with it, my body is just craving food and lots of it!

I'll be posting my current routine and the plan tomorrow.
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Thanks guys.

You didn't happen to get any videos of this did you? I'd love to see just how bad they are. :o
Haha, I'll have a gander and upload some.

When I came back, my knee has still been in pain. I made a decision to captilise on this and work on my upper body more. I started HST after a year and a half and I forgot how ridiculous the 15's were. For the past 18 months my routines have worked around the 3-6 rep range and I had no idea how much my endurance sucked and how difficult I found the 15's.

I've completed the 15's and I realised my weights were lower than my cycle 18 months ago and I can not remember it hurting this bad.

I'm doing session #4 of the 10's today.

I weighed in at 180.4lb today which is a 10lb increase. BF has increased but I don't mind this right now.


For HST, I've took on the following exercises for every session:

* = Alt session
Green = end of 15's
Yellow = 10's (session 4 of 6, Today eve)

SLDL 112.5 130
Overhead Press 42.5 52.5
DB Bench 26 34
Lat Raise 7 10
Pullup/Chin Up* -30KG/-27KG Assisted -15KG/-10KG Assisted
Plate Loaded Row 62.5 77.5
Plate loaded Low Row 52.5 77.5
Weighted Crunch 45 62.5
Leg Ext (Can't go to high due to ACL injury) 40 57.5
Calf Raise on Leg Press 120 140KG
Dips +7.5KG 17.5KG
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Had my MRI scan and here's the bad news


The good news is that with every injury comes that eureka moment of reflection along with realisation. I will become wiser and I believe this is all an integral part in becoming stronger; mentally, physically and spiritually :)
Thanks guys.

Seriously brah!

You've come along way since I last saw you (I know its been time!). Props!
Wow, I see you more on OcUK than life. Soup brah?

I've been training hard since the start of the year taking my clean and press to 107.5KG without much leg drive and deadlifting 220KG comfortably without straps or belt.

On the 17th of January things moved seriously quick. I got a call of a dropout for surgery and before I knew it I had an operation 3 days later for the 20th.

I had day surgery and I responded badly to the general anesthetic. Post-OP I was told absolutely nothing by the surgeons or nurses. I guess it makes sense waking up from GA under meds isn't the best of times to take in information.

My friend is practising medicine and he got me some details.Turns out my ACL is gone with some degeneration to the lateral. Details here:


It's likely I'm going to need another operation for my ACL. I have a follow up in 4 weeks.

These past couple of weeks have been really tough. I've been out of work for months since this injury. The healing hasn't been what was expected. I'm really struggling to do stairs and the knee occasionally gives way. I've dropped 8lb in 2 weeks and I'm now in at 177lb from 185lb. I've never been in a position where my circumstances stop me from having no routine. Having reassessed things, I'm not quite sure where to take my training from here.

My relationship with food has been a tough one. Trying to apply routine with food whilst sedentary is mentally taxing. I'm trying to do some kind of IF. I regularly have really bad craving for sugary food/carbs and having had friends come over with goody bags, it's been difficult to avoid.

There's only one way to go from here and that's up. I'm going to start some form light physio in my bedroom starting this week. Over the weeks, I want to get back into the gym and do some upper body and skill related work, once I figure something out. Anyone care to share some perspective? :)
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9 days ago I reactivated my gym membership, I've been going in to gauge where I'm at. I haven't been doing a great deal, some upper body movements and walking 10 minutes on the treadmill. I've had 4 sessions in total. Leg is like jelly when I move it where as the right leg still has considerable definition. Left thigh has dropped an inch in size over the last 7 months.

It's the first time I've ever felt like this but I don't want to carry on training. There's no enjoyment and it feels counter intuitive. However, all that said my BF is high and I have to do something for my health.

I'm going to work on a progressive routine I can commit to. I have a follow up in 2 weeks. If there's a second surgery I'll come back to goals then but for now I want to decrease my bodyfat and improve my movements/mobility and general health.
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