As I dont like failing I tried again last night, this time with ubuntu 16. Problem free install, needed to manually add stuff for exfat & printer. However the printer didnt print, so maybe even though mint did it all automatically, that wouldnt have printed either as I didnt test it. TBH its got me thinking do I really need a big colour brother 3040 laser printer at home? Probably not. I can print from work when I need to, so may well sell this.
Nvidia works! Although maybe more to me adding a ppa repository, it downloaded a new driver and I now get the choice to pick either the intel or the nvidia card & all the menus are populated in the nvidia xserver control panel. The only reason I noticed nvida wasnt running under mint was my paused virtual machines from windows complained about 3d acceleration not being available when trying to resume them under windows. I dnt reall think I need 3d for my work vm. I gather I can do something with bumblebee that will perhaps launch the nvida card when I run vmware workstation if I really need to. To be looked into.
Wake from usb keyboard seems to work now. Fans a little noisy still although ultimately I may well replace this gaming laptop with a sff quiet pc anyway.
Unity. Hate it, although maybe getting better after using it all morning
I still prefered the mint 18 desktop, and may try it again using what I have learn so far.