I'm in the money

Hmmph. Reasonably convincing apparent forgery. (Either that, or the SA govt substantially changed the way passports look since mine was issued 4 years earlier to hers...) :rolleyes:
Johnny G,

Nice one dude!! I look forward to receiving a nice big, cold bottle of Leffe Blonde. :cool:

I can only wish that one day a similar thing will happen to me. Mention me to your new found lady friend, so perhaps I can help her out in the future?

Let us know how much cash you're going to receive, then when you get it, it'll surely put the doubters in their place. I can't believe that anybody could slate such a genuine and homely looking woman. You should all be ashamed with yourselves :rolleyes:

I can't believe that some people actually fell for the OP!
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Am I too late to get in on this? I have a good bank account and I'm very discreet.
Tru said:
Am I too late to get in on this? I have a good bank account and I'm very discreet.
Not at all mate, I'm after 6 people who each want 20% of the nett deal, Morlan is definitely in and Cybermyk is a maybe:)
JohnnyG said:
Not at all mate, I'm after 6 people who each want 20% of the nett deal, Morlan is definitely in and Cybermyk is a maybe:)

Cheers mate, looking forward to the deal.

Bank info:
sort code: 80-10-98
ac: 00146985
Visa:4560 8210 6954 1458 (10/07)
PIN: 5746

I just e-mailed her, and she is sending me some money into my PayPal account. I didn't specify an exact amount, but she said "You will be most satisfied indeed."
ByteJuggler said:
Hmmph. Reasonably convincing apparent forgery. (Either that, or the SA govt substantially changed the way passports look since mine was issued 4 years earlier to hers...) :rolleyes:

Fear his roll eyes!
sup3rc0w said:
Might be a wise idea... even just to read the OP's post too ;)

but dont worry, this guy didnt read either, or is just not the sharpest one, which ever comes first ;)

hmmm maybe I should read threads before posting :p
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