Ok, which has nothing to do with my point that it needs to be a basic living salary in general for full time work - you're partner is having the **** taken out of them for their level of responsibility as far as I can see for a marketing senior - how much does the CEO of the charity take home? or your partners boss? probably an absurd amount more, not very many charities I know who's CEO isn't driving a fancy car.......
My point is based on how much you need to live per month in the UK (as a minimum reletivily dignified living) for 1 person living in a rented or owned accommodation.
30k just barely gets you by without too many problems, assuming you keep your job forever. On a £30,000 salary, your take home pay will be £23,848 after tax and National Insurance. This equates to £1,987 per month and £459 per week.
Most people are putting down a grand a month rent or mortgage now - maybe £800 if lucky, £987 - £1187 a month to then pay electric and gas (250 a month now?), insurance, phone, food (easily 350-400 a month now!), fuel, car, car tax, ........987 quid won't get you far.
SO yeah 30k is a bare minimum, let alone trying to save up money.