In the oven for 40 minutes. Then it'll have to cool for a couple of hours or so before I can remove from the tin. I hope they come out nice, never made them before. Can't wait to try them. The recipe I followed had a magic ingredient, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. That apparently makes it really gooey and fudgy. I'll report back.
Also, I watched some videos of how to line a square tin. Looks too complicated so I just squashed my baking paper in and made sure it sat flat, should be ok.
Ingredients are melted Stork spread, brown sugar (I used a mix of muscavado and golden caster), white caster sugar, veg oil, salt, 4 eggs, vanilla extract flour, cocoa powder, and nearly 3 bars of chopped dark chocolate. Gonna be a ton of yummy choc chunks throughout. The smell coming from the oven is divine. 15 minutes left.
Also, I watched some videos of how to line a square tin. Looks too complicated so I just squashed my baking paper in and made sure it sat flat, should be ok.
Ingredients are melted Stork spread, brown sugar (I used a mix of muscavado and golden caster), white caster sugar, veg oil, salt, 4 eggs, vanilla extract flour, cocoa powder, and nearly 3 bars of chopped dark chocolate. Gonna be a ton of yummy choc chunks throughout. The smell coming from the oven is divine. 15 minutes left.