have you lost any weight yet?
He's pre-occupied arguing about fitting kitchen units in his living room at the moment...
Sorry I forgot to give an update, and the results are very curious and I don't get it at all.
I *FEEL* a LOT better now. No more chest pain, and it looks like my face and belly are smaller than they were before.
I've lost at most 2 kg. The scale is at around 83-84 kg now.
I think the problem I had was too much unhealthy fat and sugar, and not at all my weight. These shakes replace that with healthy carbs and fats.
I suppose I will gradually lose more, but this honestly feels tremendously better than rapid weight loss would which I've tried many times before, but then always reverted to bad habits.
What I need to do is simply continue substituting half of my normal food intake with 1 shake, and continuing to no longer eat sugar or saturated fats, and also and carbs I normally eat are now wholewheat pasta and brown rice and actually less than half what I did before, except for the occasional same reduced amount of white pasta and rice just to slowly finish off what I already have, but after that no more sugar or white carbs.
I need to make this not just a long term, but a permanent commitment for it to work. It looks like the heart attack risk has already diminished which was the main thing, and I don't want that coming back nor do I want to end up diabetic which my old diet wouild have done within a few more years.