Originally posted by Dutch Guy
I'll mail it to you tonight after work (what am i doing here btw, far too hot for work)

I'm 'working' too

Originally posted by Dutch Guy
I'll mail it to you tonight after work (what am i doing here btw, far too hot for work)
Originally posted by Dutch Guy
Mr. taliesyn sah, you have new mail![]()
Originally posted by Valor
would you be so kind as to paste the php code pls, I understand the basics, but would like to see how you have done it,
If there was a way to get the number automatically.. like lots of other sites seem to then there would be no need for the input file...
//Code for overlaying SETI stats over a JPEG or PNG image
//By Phil Cutler (kaiowas) of Team OcUK Oct 2002
//Visit the OcUK team forum: [url]http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/fo...p?s=&forumid=39[/url]
//Uses a local file to cache the users total and reduce bandwidth hit on Berkeley
//Setup Variables For Sig
$UserEmail="[email protected]";
$PreText="Team OcUK - Get WU's Or Die Tryin'";
$PostText="WU's owned";
$UpdatePeriod=900; //Maximum frequency in seconds at which the script will poll Berkeley
//Setup Variables For Webspace - Must be absolute paths
if(!FileMTime($LocalFile) or time()-FileMTime($LocalFile)>$UpdatePeriod)
//Get Total Number Of WUs from personal stats page at Berkeley
$fp =@fopen ("http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/fcgi-bin/fcgi?email=" . $UserEmail . "&cmd=user_stats_new", "r");
if ($fp)
while (!feof($fp))
if (strpos($WebPage,"No user with that name was found")==0)
$TotalStart=strpos($WebPage,"Results Received");
$WUs="User not found.";
//Update Local File With Total
$Output = fopen ($LocalFile, "a");
ftruncate ($Output, 0);
fwrite($Output, $WUs);
//Read Total from Local File
$Local=@fopen ($LocalFile, "r");
//Build Text String
$Text=$PreText . "\r\n" . $WUs . " " . $PostText;
//Create Image
$size = ImageTTFBbox ($FontSize, 0, $FontFile , $Text);
if (substr($ImageURL,strlen($ImageURL)-3,3)=="jpg")
//Create a Sig image based on a JPEG
Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
Header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 900) . " GMT");
$im_size = GetImageSize ($ImageURL);
$imageWidth = $im_size[0];
$imageHeight = $im_size[1];
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($ImageURL);
$text_color = imagecolorclosest ($im, $TextRed, $TextGreen, $TextBlue);
if ($TextX+$im_x>$imageWidth){$TextX=$imageWidth-$im_x-2;}
if ($TextY>$imageHeight){$TextY=$imageHeight-2;}
imagettftext ($im, $FontSize, 0, $TextX, $TextY, $text_color, $FontFile, $Text);
ImageJpeg ($im);
ImageDestroy ($im);
elseif (substr($ImageURL,strlen($ImageURL)-3,3)=="png")
//Create a Sig image based on a PNG
Header("Content-type: image/png");
Header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 900) . " GMT");
$im_size = GetImageSize ($ImageURL);
$imageWidth = $im_size[0];
$imageHeight = $im_size[1];
$im = ImageCreateFromPNG($ImageURL);
$text_color = imagecolorclosest ($im, $TextRed, $TextGreen, $TextBlue);
if ($TextX+$im_x>$imageWidth){$TextX=$imageWidth-$im_x-2;}
if ($TextY>$imageHeight){$TextY=$imageHeight-2;}
imagettftext ($im, $FontSize, 0, $TextX, $TextY, $text_color, $FontFile, $Text);
ImagePNG ($im);
ImageDestroy ($im);
Originally posted by TrUz
Remember this code belongs to kaiowas sp please leave his copyright at the top of the php page.![]()
Originally posted by TrUz
nope thats just how i set it to update his file quick, the 1 on the server is every 3600secs.
Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
Header("Content-type: image/png");
Header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 900) . " GMT");
Originally posted by Valor
so I should change mine to something a little longer?