I’m outraged!

Trigger warning
The following post may contain bad language, outdated attitudes and controversial views which may offend.

I'm retired and I shop everyday and it is nobodies ******* business but mine.

If I don't want a hernia or aching arms from carrying large carrier bags in each hand I may well ******** come back again later in the day.

Get over it you ****** *&^%##@#.

This post is purposely outrageous to show how outraged I am by stupid trigger warnings.
Trigger warning
The following post may contain bad language, outdated attitudes and controversial views which may offend.

I'm retired and I shop everyday and it is nobodies ******* business but mine.

If I don't want a hernia or aching arms from carrying large carrier bags in each hand I may well ******** come back again later in the day.

Get over it you ****** *&^%##@#.

This post is purposely outrageous to show how outraged I am by stupid trigger warnings.
Get a ******* push cart thing and act your age.
People who are on holiday and moan about too many tourists ruining the place.

People who think Metallica would be good now if St Clifford Burton had not been squashed by a bus in 1986.

People who moan about the new Star Wars film being rubbish, after moaning about each of the previous 17 star wars films being rubbish when they came out.
Following up on this - people who can't say "th" in a word and, instead, use "f".


"free" instead of three
"Fink" instead of think.

I admit, I judge these people to be a little simple :o :cry: :p

The general illiteracy of people in ENGLAND.

Here's a sentence:

The entire language is named after your country and yet you write like you've managed to avoid every single English lesson in history.

What's worse is that these people don't care. They have so little pride in themselves that they genuinely don't care that people consider them to be thicker than a stack of planks. They're perfectly happy with the perception of them and the life of absolute mediocrity that comes with it. No will to better themselves, no will to succeed, just happy to remain stupid and disrespected for their entire lives.

And 99% of them are football fans, make of that what you will.
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