I'm still in shock (posibble HDD failure) - PLEASE HELP!

9 Jan 2006
Went to bed last night with my PC working OK and ON.

Got up this morning and it was OFF.

Switched it on and almost immediately a little tune is played followed by a scratching noise and then it switches off.

I have two drives - a sata and an IDE. The sata is my master and boots off this first. After the scratching noise it tries to boot off off my second drive (IDE one).

To try and narrow things down, I took the power lead out of the main sata drive and when I reboot - the pc does NOT make the little tune and scratching noise and goes straight to try and boot off the IDE drive (as I'd expect).

PLEASE tell me there is something I can try to fix this!

As I said I'm still in shock while typing this.

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