iMac gone keeps rebooting itself on start up

Safe mode seems to work fine, i managed to load Lightroom in Safe mode, backed up the icat file (took quite a while!) and done it all fine.
I still think it’s most likely to be hardware.

This is what I was alluding to when I said to run it hard for an extended period in safe mode.

When you boot into recovery mode, I believe you can click one of the menu options in the top left and select disk management. From there, I seem to remember you can select to remove the partitions/erase the drive and start from scratch. It’s been a while since I’ve done it.

Found what you mean, erased it, now reinstalling…
I had no idea, I've had it for years!
You've let us down Lin, let us down...

Plot twist, so it’s been fine…it was on for like 10hrs straight, then all of the sudden it crashed and gave that grey screen error page about rebooting. Before it didn’t do that, and then when it reloaded all the apps immediately was opened, like it woke up from sleep.

It then crashed again and did it again with that message.

Then it crashed the 3rd time inside 10mins but this time a proper reboot as each app was loaded back in slowly like in normal boot up.

And then was fine and I used it for a few hours before I shut it down.

Not sure if that was a glitch but it’s definitely on its way out.
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