Image processing with CS2

20 Oct 2002
Anyone got any tips / tutorials for processing images in CS2?

Especially interested in RAW, image sharpening, contrast and saturation.

I've been comparing my images to the amazing stuff on and whilst I'm no where as good as this guy it has me thinking my processing has a lot to be desired.

I was just about to post something about Photoshops RAW processing, you've saved me the job.

I filled two cards yesterday with photo's and got home and checked them out in Photoshop and the processing left an awful lot to be desired, no matter what I fiddled with they all looked out of focus and noisy. I assumed it was my crap photographic skills.

I decided to give Rawshooter a whirl this morning and to my shock the images I've taken look FAR better, much more details and infinately sharper, so, I'd recommend giving at least the free version a go.
HeartburnHarry said:
Not sure if you can still buy Rawshooter Professional though (which was worth the purchase before Adobe bought it)

I noticed that when trying to buy a copy yesterday, I'm assuming they've ripped the engine out to use in their bloated "Lightroom" software.
Oh cheers! Having bought some gear I thought I'd better get my aged backside out and about and take some pictures.

RAW conversion - I'm a great fan of RawShooters Essentials.
bit of a hyjack

downloading the free ware rawshooter esentials as i type this.

SO, in my cam i have the following quality options

Extra Fine

It is set to Extra Fine, as of yet I have not changed this, Should I be taking pics in Raw, adn then converting them ?
Bolerus said:
bit of a hyjack

downloading the free ware rawshooter esentials as i type this.

SO, in my cam i have the following quality options

Extra Fine

It is set to Extra Fine, as of yet I have not changed this, Should I be taking pics in Raw, adn then converting them ?

Shoot in RAW only
lol just my luck, raw shootunter produces the windows "encounterd a problem" dialog box.

I arnt disagreeing with you, but why only use RAW ?
Had a quick look at RAWShooter and it does seem to produce some better results. Will have a good play with it this weekend.
dod said:
Rubbish, shoot in the most appropriate mode for your requrements.

What's rubbish about it? If he has a choice of shooting in RAW why on EARTH would he bother using JPG? (other than sports type photography)
Cuchulain said:
What's rubbish about it? If he has a choice of shooting in RAW why on EARTH would he bother using JPG? (other than sports type photography)
Your first statement said only use RAW. Now you've qualified that by saying certain situations might be appropriate for jpeg.

I just get a bit hacked off with the view that RAW is the answer to everything. If it was why do the manufacturers bother putting jpeg modes on the camera?
dod said:
Your first statement said only use RAW. Now you've qualified that by saying certain situations might be appropriate for jpeg.

I just get a bit hacked off with the view that RAW is the answer to everything. If it was why do the manufacturers bother putting jpeg modes on the camera?

Sorry, but the thread in the main has been about RAW processing and my response to him was based on that so there's absolutely no need for you to get all uppity.
No, Bolerus asked if it was fine to shoot in "extra fine" or should he change to RAW. You said RAW only without (presumably) knowing what type of photgraphy he did.
dod said:
No, Bolerus asked if it was fine to shoot in "extra fine" or should he change to RAW. You said RAW only without (presumably) knowing what type of photgraphy he did.

He said he'd downloaded Rawshooter then asked what mode he should shoot in, perhaps you'd like to explain exactly how many jpg's you've processed using that particular application?

Why don't you go pick a fight elsewhere?
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