Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Got mine last month, was a bit of a journey.

It expired right at the start of the year, then with this covid business we'd only planned a trip away in October so didn't bother renewing it early on.

Then got to around July and they were saying the passport office was inundated with applications and expected turnaround was now 3 months. Thinking sheesh i better stick an application in quick seeing as i'd need it for October trip. Did the online one as it was cheaper than paper application. But the ******** kept rejecting my photo saying it was too dark, despite having taking it in a room where the sun shines into, on a white background and with the camera brightness upped a bit. That was about 3-4 weeks, so early August i decided to nip to one of those photo booths at the supermarket and begrudgingly pay the £6 for a photo to submit.

Submitted and boom, minutes later application approved. Later that day a text to say passport was being printed, and i think 2-3 days later a courier had dropped it off.

All a bit of a waste now that our trip away in October has been cancelled. :mad:

It's actually for one of my kids (renewal as the last one expired)

She has a school trip to Germany booked in November and chances are she won't be going. However school have paid and if they cancel they lose their money, so are waiting for the travel co to cancel it and claim in the insurance. However they need to produce the passports next month so stumped up for the replacement passport.

Photo showed as fine, submitted waited a few days and got an alert to say the application was on hold as the picture didn't meet the guidelines. There was a slight shadow under one of her eyes.

Have about 10-12 attempts with better lighting etc and all were showing as "poor" or "fair" eventually got a "good" - submitted and within 5 minutes had an email saying the photo was approved and the passport had gone to print.....

Turned up, today, a few days later

Probably won't get used but at least we can go through the motions with the school and hopefully get our money back ....
A box


With this inside

I had discounted the G6 based on what I had read about the X7. I already own an amp for speakers, but the G6 does look to be a rather neat little amp now that I've had a read about it! Mind you, it does require two cables rather than just being a single, neat solution, which was a huge plus point for me when choosing the DFR. However, I have been checking out the Topping DX3 Pro which comes back with some excellent numbers and if I do decide to switch to a desktop solution, I might just bite if I can find one at a great price. :D

Sorry, not sure what you mean by it needs two cables? It just needs a USB cable. You can also feed it optical, but you don't need to.
I have my CBT booked for next month so I needed these. Plain boring white but it allowed me to afford a better helmet rather than a cheaper one with graphics. It's also more visible of course.

Lovely build! its not often I seen people with the same Gigabyte ram as me, i dont think it was a big seller!

Thanks - it came as a part of a bundle from ocuk. I have subsequently looked for additional ram to replace the 2 dummy sticks but the lack of popularity means I couldn't find any more for love nor money
Thanks - it came as a part of a bundle from ocuk. I have subsequently looked for additional ram to replace the 2 dummy sticks but the lack of popularity means I couldn't find any more for love nor money

Yep, I know exactly what you mean I did the same! ill give you a nudge when i plan on getting rid of it! :D
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