Got mine last month, was a bit of a journey.
It expired right at the start of the year, then with this covid business we'd only planned a trip away in October so didn't bother renewing it early on.
Then got to around July and they were saying the passport office was inundated with applications and expected turnaround was now 3 months. Thinking sheesh i better stick an application in quick seeing as i'd need it for October trip. Did the online one as it was cheaper than paper application. But the ******** kept rejecting my photo saying it was too dark, despite having taking it in a room where the sun shines into, on a white background and with the camera brightness upped a bit. That was about 3-4 weeks, so early August i decided to nip to one of those photo booths at the supermarket and begrudgingly pay the £6 for a photo to submit.
Submitted and boom, minutes later application approved. Later that day a text to say passport was being printed, and i think 2-3 days later a courier had dropped it off.
All a bit of a waste now that our trip away in October has been cancelled.