Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Enjoying all the 90s love here. My bacons seem to have been sat at stockx for a week with no movement after being authenticated. Price has fallen about £30 since I bought them already.
Ha I got mine on Klekt. Just been informed that they'll arrive this week! I think I paid 180 for them.

I think I might have won an action on some Adidas Bad Bunnys... I threw a few in on about 5 different sites, but they all work differently, so I got confirmation from Hanon that my raffle was confirmed etc. and the timer ran out about 2hrs later. Later that night I got an order confirmation and said it's being passed to shipping? First time entering so knowing me I'll end up 500quid down and 4 sets of these, to be killed by the wife :D
I'd love to get the bad bunnys though, they have a great mark up on them at the moment. This raffle was 120quid and they're selling for 450 at the moment so...
New addition...

Congrats. I have the same :)
Another one checking in here. I do find it is quite picky on coffee beans for good results though.

I have the Sage Oracle. In terms of beans I find that sticking to beans with a roasted on date rather than those with a 'best by' or 'use by' date seems to do the trick. Haven't really looked into why - somebody mentioned it on another forum and they were absolutely right. I tend to mix my beans from YorkEmporium and Sheltons...although my last few bags from Sheltons have been a 'best by' rather than 'roasted on'.....which is a shame. Haven't used them in the Oracle, I've kept them for the manual grinder/plunge thingy.
Chipping in on the coffee conversation, I’ve had a nespresso machine, worked in a coffee shop and generally just like a good coffee.

The winning thing to buy is an aeropress. They are stupidly, mind meltingly good. Goddamn they make a good coffee!! If it’s a sensational, mechanically simple, stunning coffee maker for £30 or a breakable machine for >£1k, I’ll take the aeropress.

Does require a bit of experimentation to get strength to preference but that’s my only niggle.

a lot of sense in this. I went from an Aeropress to a Delonghi esam 4200 and the difference in quality was huge. I could never get a decent cup out the Delonghi in the time I had it.

I then changed to a Sage Barista Express and although it can produce great coffee, the grinder is stupidly inconsistent.

All things considered, effort to quality ratio, I recon the Areopress does just as good a job for a fraction of the price.
Boxed Xbox One S 1TB with original controller off ebay for £92, really nice conditional too, I think because the fella listed it as local collection, the price reflected that.

Boxed Xbox One S 1TB with original controller off ebay for £92, really nice conditional too, I think because the fella listed it as local collection, the price reflected that.

We had one before upgrading to a Series X. Mostly got used as a media machine but it was fantastic for that. I wanted to repurpose it when we got a Series X, but the MRS ended up selling it.

Enjoy. Console wise I was a PlayStation fan until getting the One S. I'm team Green now when it comes to consoles.
Chipping in on the coffee conversation, I’ve had a nespresso machine, worked in a coffee shop and generally just like a good coffee.

The winning thing to buy is an aeropress. They are stupidly, mind meltingly good. Goddamn they make a good coffee!! If it’s a sensational, mechanically simple, stunning coffee maker for £30 or a breakable machine for >£1k, I’ll take the aeropress.

Does require a bit of experimentation to get strength to preference but that’s my only niggle.
Any tips or links to share? I was bought one years ago never really had much luck with it. I gave up in the end and bought a sage duo temp, and pinched a Mazza Luigi grinder. Don't use either as much as I should to be fair.
Any tips or links to share? I was bought one years ago never really had much luck with it. I gave up in the end and bought a sage duo temp, and pinched a Mazza Luigi grinder. Don't use either as much as I should to be fair.
It’s just this:

My only tip for using is that you should actually make it with the whole aeropress upside down like in this video.

I wouldn’t bother with all the extra bonus faff he does though. Just the aeropress and lavatzza ground coffee from a supermarket makes a fine cup of coffee.
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