Christ, not cheap
Christ, not cheap
If you're looking exclusively at amazon, the price is deceptive, as it was a US only limited release, and was $149, so he may have got lucky!! Quite a few people in the US were snagging it for between $90 and $100Christ, not cheap
Few other places have it for around £4-500 as well as Amazon though!If you're looking exclusively at amazon, the price is deceptive, as it was a US only limited release, and was $149, so he may have got lucky!! Quite a few people in the US were snagging it for between $90 and $100
That may well be the weirdest combination of things I've seen ina while there Spook
Hope your not a call of duty fan @ 512gb
Because 95GB is bigger than 512GB?
And no, not a Call of Duty fan
Some drink
Some drink
Yes, I know we need Gin, getting that later