Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

4 years ago when you leave reviews on amazon they rank you based on how many helpful button you get. I was ranked 250 when they send me an invite to the VINE program. I was top 3 in UK when they remove the rank system. Not sure how you get in now as it is an invitation, you get an email and asked if you want to join and get free stuff :P

I think I got a random email once asking me to review something, I binned it thinking it was spam/scam. lol
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How does one become a 'reviewer'
Yeah I hear the videos are a right money maker. Do you do those on the products @China Man ?
Kids now a days all want to be influencer and YouTuber, money is there but competition is fierce.
I do make money from reviews, Amazon affiliate, Google ad sense (YouTube) and direct sponsors sometimes. Still doing my day job to keep my pension going but reviews are side line.
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