Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Parts for these cans are relatively well priced for Sennheiser OEM so this is at least good, they do tend to continue making pads and things many years after release for the higher end cans so that's what's keeping me going lol. Stock pads for me from now on, they sound great, just memory foam is is nicer for comfort.

Here's where I buy the OEM pads:

Ta muchly. Shall look to order some soon.
Cause I don't like the taste. I prefer a neutral blank tasting water that's cold out of the fridge.

And no, since switching to filtered water I have completely stopped drinking all crap stuff. It's coffee/tea/water for me now.

I've been to quite a few different towns in England and almost all of their tap water tasted horrible to me. I live just outside edinburgh though and i prefer my tap water over the bottled stuff in the shops.

It's something I've taken for granted i suppose.
Some better handles to go on my recently purchased bookcase doors


Slightly better than the IKEA supplied ones


Out of interest, has this impacted scale buildup? I'm in Zone 2 London and our shower glass scales up within a few showers. Tempted to get a filter just to save me descaling so often!

I haven't had to descale the ensuite (filter fed) since the filter was put in .... about 2 years ago? The main one needs doing every few months, and gets used less.
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