Images of items I have purchased.

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It's so smooth :3 (Mouse mat, also serving as a keyboard mat)
No not really unless you take it off and then you may as well replace it or if there's a bonafide receipt for the work.

They are very well known to throw the belt and lunch the engine which it'll mean scrap heap time for that car.

If you want a reliable motor change it now including the water pump and tensioner.

If you want to risk it then leave it but the risk is total destruction, possibly being stuck somewhere you need to be towed from.

Okay, I opened up the bonnet today. Oil seems high enough (might change at some point if I can be bothered), coolant seems a bit low so will top it up.

On the cambelt cover it was written that it was changed at 66k, and 110k. (Car is at 124k at the moment).

I'm guessing I'm good for another 20k odd miles? :)
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