Images of items I have purchased.

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The Evil Within and iPhone 6+


People actually care what kind of wallet you use? Man, if you're thinking about how much of a woman I am when I bring out my wallet that has a coin section on it, you need to rethink your priorities. I did, and that's why I have a coin section. :p
I cant imagine not having a coin section. It's so annoying when you drag a handful of assorted shrapnel from your pocket with various receipts, lint and bits of biscuit.
Someone on our pool team has a wallet. But he also has a little purse with a zip top that he gets out and counts out his pound coins for his John Smiths.

When we go to less tasteful pubs everyone buys a drink for him so we don't have to suffer the embarrassment of having a mate who uses a purse :D
Why there so many blurry pictures in this thread .....:(

Think they need spend there money on buying a new camera instead of the items there taking pictures of..:p
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I have a wallet similarish (Wallum) and whilst it can carry coins to a degree I usually just lump them in my pocket, if I don't intend on spending it or it's a couple of pence I just whack it in a donation thing. I closed a bank account the other day with like £15.76 in, £15 in my wallet and the 76p in donations, sorted.
Someone on our pool team has a wallet. But he also has a little purse with a zip top that he gets out and counts out his pound coins for his John Smiths.

When we go to less tasteful pubs everyone buys a drink for him so we don't have to suffer the embarrassment of having a mate who uses a purse :D

Well at least mine are combined. :P
Someone on our pool team has a wallet. But he also has a little purse with a zip top that he gets out and counts out his pound coins for his John Smiths.

When we go to less tasteful pubs everyone buys a drink for him so we don't have to suffer the embarrassment of having a mate who uses a purse :D

Maybe he does it on purpose so you buy him pints :p
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